Here's my shot at it, sorry if it seems sort of weird! The Defender description was a little hard to try to fit into. [hider=Ayashe Kalu - Defender] [b]Name:[/b] Ayashe "Ashe" Kalu [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Rank:[/b] III [b]Nationality:[/b] African/Native American [b]Weapon[/b]: Aeon Lance and Force Shield (Her weapon and shield have been made so that she can either wield them separately for optimal defense, or attach the shield to her lance for optimal offense) - [b]Aeon Lance:[/b] a tech invented by her family. A long, bulky lance that allows her to feed imbued bullets into it so that she can fire them for ranged firepower. Holds up to five bullets before needing to be reloaded, and can only be used as a ranged weapon when being wielded in both hands. When enemies are hit with it, it acts as a "glue" or "sludge" to whatever part of the body it hit. - [b]Force Shield:[/b] a tech invented by her family. A nearly transparent, violet colored medium-sized shield that is both light-weight and durable, which can sustain against heavy blows via light canisters. A single light canister can be imbued to last through three blows from a larger creature before needing to be reloaded. When a creature hits the shield physically, they may find themselves stuck to it, as if struggling against a sticky glue substance. [b]Gear:[/b] She usually carries around thirty bullets and five canisters to feed her weaponry at any given time. To supplement her arsenal, she also carries a single light grenade in case of extreme emergencies. When not in battle, she carries around a thin tablet and stylus, drawing tech designs. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=]Ayashe[/url] is around 5'8'' (173cm), and weighs in at 145lbs (66kg). She has a toned body from her strict training regimen, and a no-nonsense look on her face most of the time. Her eyes are oddly violet in their coloration, a unique feature of the Kalu family. [b]Personality:[/b] She is hardly the type to flash you a genuine, or even polite, smile, and will seize up each person she believes to be of importance of her before really engaging them in conversation - that isn't to say she's [i]shy[/i], oh no no. Far, FAR from it. She's brutally honest, and says crass things with no regrets. Oh, she DEFINITELY meant to say that rude thing she just said, and no, she probably wont apologize until you prove her wrong. She can take criticisms remarkably well, as long as you can show her the evidence that what you're saying is true. She's steadfast about upholding the code of the Knights of TERA, so much so that she will not miss a cue. Ashe will defend her teammates to the end, allowing those with more flexible abilities to do what is needed to finish the job. In return, she will almost always have something to remark upon about your last battle, usually sarcastic and critical all in one little not-so-pleasant bundle. Underneath her prickly exterior is a girl whose true friendship, or even respect, is hard to earn, not because of some jaded past, but because that's just who she is. She prefers to invent than sit idly by and waste her time, but if you can manage to get her interested in something, she may come along for the ride, just out of pure curiosity. She does find joy in small things outside of her scope of usual interest, a walk through the park, playing a game (sport or video games, doesn't matter), and finding interesting places, like a new sushi shop, or a secluded garden. [b]History:[/b] Ayashe, or Ashe as most people call her, was born into the very well off Kalu family, who are one of the biggest suppliers of "Multi-Versatile Tech" to TERA. Their "tech" is specialized weapons, armor, and other components (grenades/canisters/bullets/etc. that can be imbued with Light and only affect creatures of malice). Being well known for their creative and inventive designs and contributions to TERA, Ayashe as their eldest child was pretty much a shoe-in to join the Knights of TERA when she presented the capabilities to control the Light. She fought the notion for as long as she could, bypassing the usual sign up age of twelve. She wanted to invent new tech with her family, to become a person capable of making a true difference in the grand scheme of things - but her dreams were squashed by her overbearing parents. Ayashe was forced into becoming a Knight when she turned fourteen. She hated it, and would rebel on purpose just to see how far she could push the issue. During her second year, her actions caused a grievous error while on the field, and the event was quickly hushed and swept under the rug due to her family pulling strings. In return for secrecy, Ayashe was shipped off to Greyridge, away from everything she knew, so that she could start anew. She was traumatized by what had happened, and eventually resolved to [i]never[/i] take her duties lightly again. At the age of sixteen, two years after starting her Knighthood, she finally [i]became[/i] a Knight in more than just name. Her superiors noticed a vast difference in her attitude on the field (though her off-field demeanor remained roughly the same, much to their chagrin), and she finally rose through the ranks. Her time of delinquency has put her behind her peers in rank, but she cares as much for status as she cares for people, which is to say [b]very[/b] little. [b]Hobbies:[/b] When she isn't honing her body, she's doing something with her hands. She loves to invent, so art has played a big role in her life and she draws, sketches, and paints avidly, usually on her tablet as she walks around. And, unsurprisingly enough, she loves to craft tech, but without the facilities to do so, she makes basic armor, such as chain mail and the like, in her spare time. [b]Style:[/b] Defender [b]Abilities:[/b] She dislikes using her abilities to their full extent, preferring to imbue her family's tech with her power instead of going right into combat. When push comes to shove, Ayashe will drop her tech and go into true Defender mode. Her Light acts as a "glue", and she wraps it around her body as a second skin, protecting her from most harm while increasing her strength to hold off against foes. If she extends it and snaps it back in, she can pull enemies to her, almost like a sticky vortex. She keeps them in place during these times so that her teammates can finish them off. [/hider]