@Teal Yes. The creatures we encounter will be from various legends, so one day we will fight a gorgon, the next we might fight a tengu. I will try and keep it exiting, it gives the nationality thing a little more if you ask me too. @Aphelion Sure, you can join. I like the character and I hate odd numbers. You are on the right track, and your equipment serves several of my intentions. That sort of tech would be very revolutionary, and would give TERA a new direction to go in. The idea of not having to put children on the front lines would be very appealing to many of the Lords, not to mention the possibility of a deeper understanding of the Light. But as I said, experimental tech, which seems to work for you. In order for it to work appropriately with the way I have everything in my head, have it where you need to "prime" it just before use, meaning you have to put your own personal Light into it in order to use it in the moment. If that’s ok, then I approve.