When Tim started to move Sophia was worried he might push her away. Instead she felt his arms at her sides, kind of in a halfway hug. She knew it was as close at they were going to get to a real hug right now, but just the fact that Tim was trying was enough for Sophia. While she had mostly done this for Tim's sake in what was probably a pathetic attempt to reassure him that people [i]could[/i] be kind, if she was honest with herself Sophia also enjoyed the hug. His figure was slim but he was warm and his presence reassuring. Sophia liked feeling his arms at her sides and wondered what a full hug would be like. Perhaps one day she would know. But finally Sophia was starting to become self conscious. She broke away from the hug and sat back up. "Sorry," she apologized again. Sophia cast around for something else to say and could only suggest, "Shall we finish eating? Don't want to let the food get too cold. And we can talk more afterwards if you want. But about music or movies or something like that."