[quote=@Dedonus] Crap...I forgot if I gave Sammy a last name yet... >.< Time to look that up... Edit: Found it. That last name is definitely going into my character sheet. >.< Edit2: Also, that was one long post for a supporting character... Edit3: Also, NMS, I think the links to the character sheets in the OOC are broke due to the guild now renders the urls. I'm going to look into seeing whether there is an easy fix without having to look through 70-some pages of OOC for character sheets. Edit4: [@nitemare shape]: I found the solution. [b]OLD CODE[/b] - [code][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/135/posts/ooc#post-3125]Raptor[/url][/code] [b]NEW CODE[/b] - [code][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/135-create-a-hero-rpg/ooc#post-3125]Raptor[/url][/code] All you need to do is replace [code]135/posts[/code] with [code]135-create-a-hero-rpg[/code] Edit5: I just realized that I have not really shown off Athena's Owl. That will be rectified! [/quote] Nice work, thanks for that. I'll get to work on fixing that shortly