A white gloved hand plucked Astarte's cigarette out of his mouth, putting the tip into a skull headed pipe clamped between sharp grinning teeth as Cassie eyed the young boy, monocle glinting in the sun before she handed the cigarette back. Such brazen behavior towards a knight, let alone one of the Triumvirate, was something most would never dare. But then, few dared what Cassie dared. She puffed the pipe, letting a trail of smoke bleed out from her teeth as she cocked her head, the massive Howler Cannon strapped to her back clanking against the ammo bag. She smelled heavily of cordite, smoke, gun oil, and black powder. Odds are she'd just finished morning drills with her platoon, or maintenance on the Howler, or any number of things involving her beloved cannon. She spoke way too loudly, causing several passerby to give curious glances as her voice carried across the square. "Goooood morning Sir Astarte. Isn't it a bit early to be getting worked up over your sister's little event? Actually, keep going. You're pretty freaking cute when you're ruffled." The bombardier's jackal grin widened as she gave a salute, still 'technically' following protocol. As a sapper, she was quite low in the military, after all. She took a long drag as she eyed the piece of paper, having already seen about 16 others around the city. You'd have to be deaf and blind to not pick up the hidden message that was so absolutely poorly hidden within the letters, or to hear the whispering from the citizens who had noticed it. While Cassie was most definitely deaf in her left ear from the Cannon, she was certainly not blind. Especially since the subject had been on her mind for days now. Still, it would be best to avoid bringing the subject up, especially around Hazael's brother. Her amber eyes flitted back to Astarte, the grin remaining as she puffed the pipe. "I take it by the grumblings and threats of assault upon your sister that you will NOT be joining the event? You wouldn't happen to know anything about it? I'm curious myself."