[quote=@Kimiyosis] [quote=@Maxx] Hm...A three-meter chain may actually count as a large weapon. I mean, don't you need two hands to accurately use something that long? [/quote] Probably actually >.> So, just curious, for magic, does the user require a wand/staff? [quote=@UrbanEvolution] [quote=@Kimiyosis] about two to three meters? Or on the other hand, thin garrote wires, of up to ten meters long instead of the chain? [/quote] Ten meters? You are now weilding a knife attached to a piece of metal spagehetti. Good luck controlling that lol [/quote] Weighted knife to throw, wire to whip it back to yourself. Used something similar jury rigged myself. Though it does take practice not to whip it into your own face :D [/quote] (we're building a quote pyramid to the stars) Something tells me that a weapon like that wouldn't be very effective (especially since it has a very limited range and when you got near the end of the ten meters it would begin to slow down) but that's not something I'd deny you for; you do you. Also, certain races require magical artifacts like staffs or wands to use magic, though other races can use such devices to focus it. Note, however, that wands and staffs have no magical power unto themselves; if a Dorak picks up a magic wand he still won't be able to use magic. They're just made to concentrate energy that's already there. [@Fat Boy Kyle] Yeah I tried to ignore that. I was concerned until i read the rest of the sheet that she was going to be your everyday ordinary MMORPG slut, but I trust that you won't turn her into that.