[center][I]“Nice job on stopping an early execution.”[/I][/center] Rawlith heard the voice a speak to him, but it almost seemed unreal. Rawlith had actually saved a woman, one who was not only a stranger, but that had also attacked. This made him think, and he kept cycling his mind through the reel of memory before he came to same conclusion a few times. He had saved her because his instincts led him too, for the simplest of reasons. He could tell her archery was beyond merely wounding a Saxhleel should she choose, and he knew killing at least a member or two before attempting to flee would have been more blood-thirsty than a pot-shot and a cold spell. She was far more skilled then she would probably give credit and far more skilled for anyone of the group to let her walk free, the one good note is that he and Leo seemed to agree on the fact that she could walk free among the camp, but only due to there were far too many and ready people now watching her for any viable option of danger to arise in her favor unless an outside force caused such to happen. His mind rattled for what seemed like an eternity of how he was acting, how the group was affecting him, and how he had seemingly done so much out of tribal character. It seemed as if his time among those not within the tribe had worn off on his communal nature. However he slowly slipped back into the moment and responded to the lady with only a minor hesitation. "It is what, This One, felt was right to do. She did not aim to kill, merely to evade with the success of slowing our resident scholar. This one is would like to think his mind told him everything, but truly his instincts did the work." He stated to her with a nod as he prodded the ribs and continued to slowly turn them while watching their meat brown, sizzle lowly, and pop lightly as the rub caramelized over the top. It began to fill the camp and over-whelmed Rawlith's own powerful olfactory senses, the combination of his Khajiit senses and the extremely heightened Lycanthropic senses made many things much more powerful. This was an obvious advantage for many reasons, especially among the group. The smell of death and undead among those who were not of the truly living, and the scent of something Mer but not of this time. His nose was telling him it was finally time, to eat. [I][center]“They smell amazing, Rawlith.”[/center][/I] Rawlith heard Roze speak up once more to him, seeming elated by the smell of the Elk Ribs as they finally came to the finish point on the cooking spit. He slowly untied the binding of the ribs and lowered them with a few utencils onto a large wooden platter with a low, fine, curve towards the center where dripping juices and sauce gathered. The massive plate was a perfect sitting piece for the ribs and a wonderful thing to use to gather the group as a whole once more. Rawlith stood slowly and took only two of the smaller ribs for himself while speaking. "The ribs are ready, for those willing to eat and those who want to fight off the hunger. This One has made Elk Ribs out of Valerion's kill, come and eat." He stated aloud to the whole, while residing off behind the fire and opposite the majority with a soft word to Roze. "Whenever you would like to talk to This One about magic, and lessons, just come find him." He stated with almost a whisper to her and happily sat with an eye about the group. --- VARNADIIR WIP