The confirmations rolled in slowly, as each group got into position and braced for the coming action. Duncan would have preferred a bit more snap from certain members, but he was willing to put his trust in them for the moment; this was a deceptively easy mission however. With the sheer number of SeeDs on hand, it was unlikely that anything would go wrong. Nevertheless Duncan was keenly aware of Murphy's Laws sitting in the wings, waiting for that tiniest hint of inattention to pounce upon. [b]'Roger all. Routes clear, front and back. Dropping power...'[/b] He traversed back from the doorways to the wall of the main garrison, following the external electrical lines to a small circuit box on one wall. It would be his first time using Xerox' paramagic rifle in a combat situation and Duncan was curious despite himself; he had tested it in the bunker and found the operation very much to his liking. The kid really could make money if he mass-produced these things. [b]'... now.'[/b] With a gentle squeeze of the trigger, Duncan fired a bright arc of lighting into the circuit box, blowing the fuses and shorting the entire complex in one shot. [i]Christ,[/i] he thought. [i]All that from a single Thunder...[/i] He looked forward to trying some of the more powerful spells out. [b]'All teams, cleared to breach. I say again, [i]breach breach breach!'[/i][/b]