Name: Matthew wilson Gender: male Age (12-24):21 Birthday: September 1 Gemstone: Agate Personality: [i]hey, whats funnier than a Pile of dead babies, one in the middle is still alive and has to eat its way out[/i] -one of matthews terrible jokes matthew wilson is a ambitious person, constantly staying on one track and trying to achieve his Lifelong goal, Becoming a actor. He often does his best to do anything and is Hopelessly optimistic, he often doesn't know that hes failing until he actually failed, He Values Education a lot but he is also a bit of a anti-social person, often gaming or watching Tv when he has free time, he is also very Smart but not very bright (he's secretly incredibly smart but he appears to be dumb) He is a bit of a hipster, sometimes especially with TV he is also not very good at talking to people he doesn't know very well, but however with people he [b]DOES[/b] know he usually acts carefree and Funny, often joking about 9/11, making racist jokes and talking about how Utterly horrible the middle east is, People constantly say hes racist but he really isn't, the only thing thats racist is his jokes. and his view on the middle east, he is also very conservative, and liberals often hate him, especially his view on abortion [i]abortion should be illegal and a capital crime, heck everything should be capital[/i] he also incredibly hates his time traveling power, his main goal is to stop time travelling and go back to his time so he can fulfill his dream he laughs at things normal people wouldn't find funny he is also a very emotional person, often breaking down in rage or collapsing to tears, this makes him a liability sometimes History: Matthew wilson was born in the town of Burlington, blah blah blah, he went to a school, and one day his teacher told him he was good at drama and told him about a place called the Student theater, so he joined up. he really liked it, it was a place where a group of people learn and create Plays. he loved it and spent almost his entire life there, He is probably the only character here to actually have a good mother and father, but however highschool for him was tough, it was filled with stress and hardwork, he found himself stuck in his room studying and doing homework, however he stayed optimistic, he tooken a gigantic student loan and went to a acting university called Ryerson, where he studyed and was locked in his room working even more, But however in the end he gotten his diploma and managed to succeed, however he never really had a girl friend which he regrets. he was without money though, absolutely none, so he went into a crappy apartment, and constantly worked tiny boring jobs at restaurants in the day and auditioned all night, he was like a bat. and then one day, he was accepted for a movie, it was the time of his life, he was happy and his dream was about to come true right before the audition he found himself in a mansion full of strange people Gift: his remarkable acting talent allows himself to disguise himself, and mimic voices. making him a remarkable spy Appearance: [img][/img]