Yo, I'm from the original so I'll post my lore I've made and my older character [h2]nermuls dwarf lore[/h2] dwarfs used to settle in tiny Caves and make a "dwarf fort" these dwarf forts where very tiny and they most oftenly died, however one day Smitsmum elfkiller came and gotten a idea, he united all of the dwarf fortresses together and created a gigantic dwarf city which was the capital, all of there cities where underground. however there was some disobedience, some placing wanted to remain neutral, so they were Neutralized in a dwarf war, just one city for them. there only but HUGE city is called Smitsmum which was named after, well you know, it was originally named Elfkiller city but, well. even the dwarfs aren't that crazy. the city Smitsmum has 75% of the worlds natural resources, whenever its manium, oil, emeraldstone, granite, oilstone, iron. phorostone. anything is found there. they're large traders with the world and if they go out, so would the natural resources Due to the dwarves being underground which was a habitat to a creature known as the darkspawn, a malicious race of Dwarves, humans and all of the other races (except for giants they're too big} but mostly dwarves, living there. The city Smitsmum acts as a natural defense for the world against the Darkspawn, since they cover the only hole to the world, if the city where to fall it would mean BIG TROUBLE however the city Smitsmum is very Clever when attacking them. Often overpowering them with a big army, Dwarfs have a natural tolerance to Alcohol which means they cannot get drunk (easily) and any alcohol made by dwarfs have enough alcohol to kill a elf the dwarfs where a sexist race, they thought that anydwarf who didn't have a beard wasn't a dwarf, and anydwarf without a beard is just a midget slave, so they enslaved the women, however due to being underground dwarfs have some of the best fossil fuel and alcehemy, and the most machinery in the world too, they're the most advanced basically, barely any dwarfs are seen on the surface due to the dwarfs complex honor code, the dwarf district is underground too, barely any other races can be found in smitsmum [h2]dwarf code[/h2] 1 alcohol is good, a nonalcohol drink is bad (mountain juice is full of alcohol but not very much Dwarfwise. (enough to give a human a hangover in 10 sips though,) 2 anydwarf without a beard is not a dwarf, 3 a coward is also not a dwarf, 4 ranged weaponary is cowardly. all ranged weapons are cowardly 5 magic is cowardly 6 using magic in machinery is not cowardly, since its not a dwarf using the magic its from a special fossil fuel known as Manium, and as long as the machinery is big enough to require lots of dwarfs to use 7 the surface is for cowards, real dwarfs stay underground 8 any dwarf who breaks the dwarf code is not a dwarf 9 a nondwarf can regain his honor if he kills another nondwarf, 10 beardless dwarfs cannot regain there honor 11 being captured is cowardly 12 only soldiers are allowed outside, this is too fight there enemies the dwarf cities are also very political based, with democracies and elections, but the elections are usually rigged and full of corruption, and they have a big history of war with other races, theres too much to count but heres a few 1 the elf-dwarf-human war. the dwarfs decided to stop exporting all of there natural resources due to Trade tariffs, the elves and the humans who both used there stuff attacked them but failed bitterly, everyone just decided to pay more for the natural resources, 2 human-dwarf war, the dwarfs noticed the humans had a lot of money, they wanted it, so they attacked there villages. it was a major loss for both sides though theres too much wars to count, theres still sometimes tiny little Skirmishes with the elves but they've stopped due to the race council intervening, The dwarves would've been long gone by now if they didn't beat back the darkspawn swarm and export most of the worlds natural fuel, the dwarf district is also underground and it has gigantic tunnels going to the other districts smitsmum city has the bestest defense in the world, but however they can be quite bad at offence due to it being aboveground