Nice. Can't wait to get this underway. Also, just a heads up. I changed the appearance image of Tohi (still a Truth Shield Tortisan). I found a much better representation of him that fits more with Borzgo's character. Some edits that I made to his character are underlined here: [quote][hider=Tohi][img][/img] [INDENT] At nearly five feet tall, Tohi considers himself to be the finest specimen of war tortoisans. Much like Borzgo, he is at the prime stage of his life span. The jagged carapaces overgrowing his backside, and the bone platings that protect his chest and joints keep him well guarded. As a defense mechanism, Tohi can curl inside his shell and extend some of its outer platings into spike-like protrusions. What his natural plates of armor don't cover are swathed in a callous-like hide, functioning as a protective layer against the environments.[u] He wears a light blue cleric's battle robe that comes with bronze metaled shoulder pads and knee guards. The azure gemstone fastened around his neck is supposedly a symbolic heirloom from the Truth Shield dynasty. [/u] [/INDENT] also in his equipment... [u][b]Tohi's Personal Equipment: [/b][/u] [list][*] [b]Weapons:[/b] [u]A Retractable Spear[/u], an [u]Elder Truth Shield[/u], [u]an Elder Truth Mace[/u], Small Daggers (usually kept inside his shell), and a Crossbow. [*] [b]Traveler's Journal:[/b] Full compendium of Borzgo and Tohi's adventures. Included are lists of acquaintances, friends, and enemies. [*] [b]Fishing Equipment[/b] [*] [b]Traveling Pack[/b] [*] [b]Cooking Utensils/Ingredients/Recipes[/b] [/list] [/hider] [/quote]