"Really?" Sophia asked, her interest piqued. "Cool! I guess I'll have to give them a listen then. I've never been to a concert before." Truthfully, Sophia had never [i]wanted[/i] to go to a concert. She didn't like large, close crowds or loud noise. Sophia was good at socializing within a small group, but she was bad with large groups of strangers. That's why she never went to parties that weren't for a friend or family. "I guess you could say my tastes are more mainstream," she said. "Mostly I like rock and metal with a bit of pop. But I do have some off the chart tastes you could say. I like classical music like Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach. But I also like folk music, folk metal, and Gregorian chants." Sophia blushed a bit, realizing that her taste in music probably was a bit odd. Still, it was what she liked and that wasn't going to change. "Alright. Next question. Your turn to ask one."