[hider=Reverse-Flash AKA Eobard Thawne] Real Name: Eobard Thawne Code name: Reverse-Flash Prison Inmate #:010971 Age: 22 Height: 5'9" Weight: 170 pounds. Date of birth: January 21, sometime in the 25th century. Appearance:[img]https://www.hyperborea.org/flash/bigimages/zoom1.jpg[/img][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121108091146/marvel_dc/images/3/3a/Reverse_Flash_054.jpg[/img] History: | Origin & Backstory | - Eobard Thawne was born in the 25th century to cold, and almost unloving parents. As a child, his fondest memories are those when he was with his brother, Robern. The two grew up close to each other, and often played together. Then, on Robern's 12th birthday, he fell ill, coughing violently and vomiting blood. Medical tests confirmed. Robern was diagnosed with Stage IV aggressive Lung Cancer. The doctors gave him less than two months to live. As Eobard watched his brother waste away in a hospital bed, something formed in his head. An obsession, When Robern died, Eobard became obsessed with the most precious thing In his society: Time. Believing that the key to this was the enigmatic Speed Force, he spent years researching the topic, learning all there was to know of both the Speed Force and its users. He studied with a hunger, an all encompassing drive for the knowledge that he could use to go back and fix his brother, At the age of 16, he became the youngest entrant to the Flash Museum. At 20, he became its youngest Professor. During the course of his obsessive studies, however, he became fixated on one Flash, perhaps the greatest of them all: Barry Allen. Convinced that Barry had led a life similar to his own, Eobard became certain that it was through Barry that he could Save Robern. Using his not insubstantial finances and technology of the era, Eobard replicated the accident that made Barry the man he is, turning himself into a living anomaly, disjointed from time itself. Endowed with Superhuman Speed, disjointed from time, a living anomaly. Eobard finally had the means to achieve his goal. Running back in time to Robern's death, he tried to save his brother, but to no avail. Robern still died, and Eobard still mourned his death. Fixating on Barry, he decided to go further back in time, and secure Barry's help. Arriving in present day Central City, Eobard approached Barry in civilian guise, Amicable at first, the two got along well, When Eobard revealed that he knew Barry was The Flash, Barry confronted him at first, nervous as to how he obtained such sensitive information. Eobard responded by vibrating through the wall of the building they were in. Surprised, Barry began a partnership with Eobard, Dubbing him Zoom. For a time, The Flash and Zoom worked the twin cities as partners. However, this partnership was short-lived as Barry saw Thawne become progressively more violent, and when Barry found out about Thawne's endgame, he threw Thawne out, throwing Zoom away. What little friendship they had ended there, and all of Thawne's hero worship of Barry as a paragon of Speed curdled into a hatred of him, and a vengeful attitude. Going back in time, he decided to take what mattered most to Barry away from him, just as Barry had taken his hope of saving Robern away. Then, he fast-forwarded through the years, watching Barry grow without a mother, and a father in prison. He relished Barry's suffering, and waited. Soon, Barry would know his former partner was now his opposite, his Reverse. A few months later and Barry was set to marry his longtime girlfriend Iris West. Eobard crashed the wedding, crippling Barry's bride to be, and taunting Barry with what really happened that night. The two started running, but their race was cut short when Barry used Thawne's own speed against him, Trapping him in Belle Reve, Five months later, Amanda Waller approached him with what STAR Labs called a "Speed Inhibitor" collar. It would limit his top speed to that of Mach 1.1, roughly the speed of sound. It was also rigged to explode should he attempt to vibrate through it or otherwise remove it. She offered him a choice. Work for her in Task Force X or rot here, trapped in a cage where speed meant nothing. Powers/Abilities: Negative Speed Force conduit: Eobard created his own Speed Force the same way Barry created the normal Speed Force. By duplicating the incident that granted the latter his powers, Professor Zoom was able to create his own Negative Speed Force by generating it through kinetic energy. Eobard can tap into it as normal speedsters can with the normal Speed Force and can apparently shut off their connection to the latter by "contaminating" it with negative energy. Additionally, he can do anything the Flash can do.[/hider] [hider=Ultraman/Clark Kent WIP] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QsXcknJh.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Clark Kent/Kal-Il Alias: Ultraman Height: 6'3" Weight: 235 pounds (107kg.) Inmate Number: A.R.G.U.S. 0-1 Powers & Abilities: [b]Kryptonian Physiology[/b]: Kal-Il's race evolved to the point were they could gain great power from the radiation of their planet. The radioactive remains of Krypton give an even greater power to Ultraman who can absorb and process that radiation inside his own body to gain an immense array of abilities [b]Kryptonite Absorption[/b]:Ultraman's cellular structure allows him to absorb, store and metabolize Green Kryptonite to fuel all of his abilities. He can do this by inhaling it after crushing it into a gaseous form or absorb the radiation it naturally gives off. [b]Ultrastrength[/b]: Perhaps the strongest of the Alternate versions of Superman, at the height of his Kryptonite enhanced abilities, he is capable of effortlessly lifting objects such as the moon, or larger, but on a typical fight, he's able to punch hard enough to shatter concrete with ease. [b]Flight[/b]Ultraman can defy gravity and fly at incredible speeds, usually breaking the sound barrier for what Owlman calls "An adrenaline rush he only gets from flying fast." [b]Ultraspeed[/b]: Ultraman is capable of moving fast, but not much faster than 1000 MPH. [b]Heat Vision[/b]: Ultraman's eyes can emit beams of concentrated heat that are hot enough to vaporize minerals and calcinate human flesh, potentially reaching absolute hot. [b]Ultrasenses[/b]: Ultraman can hear things from miles away and can see through materials with an X-Ray vision. [b]Near-Invulnerability[/b]: Ultraman has hardened skin, and is bulletproof, fireproof, and can survive falls from orbit. He can be thrown through several buildings and shake it off. His archnemesis, Mazahs, has hit him with the Dread Lightning, and though it made him bleed, he shrugged it off, mostly. Weaknesses: History: Born on the planet Krypton-in the alternate Universe labelled Earth-3-at its demise, Kal-Il was born to Jor-Il and Lara-Zor-Il. Thanks to the machinations of his father, Krypton's greatest scientist, Krypton was led to its demise by their version of Doomsday. Unwilling to let go of the idea of revenge against the creature, Jor-Il went on a shooting spree with his wife, and secured an escape pod at the expense of all others, claiming "No-one leaves Krypton alive. THey'll only hinder my son." As Kal-Il traveled to earth, he was inundated in his father's ideology and moralizing, eschewing all kinds of weakness, and wanting to be the strongest being there is. Eventually, his ideology became more evolved; By becoming the greatest evil his world, he could be not a king, rather a Tyrant, someone who could control just how much evil or just how much power one person wielded. Above all, however, he was searching for something to fight for. Eventually, he heard of the rise of a crime lord in Gotham, one with skills and a bit of a theatrical style. Flying to Gotham, he came across Owlman, who had already studied up on him. The two had a throwdown, but left allies, if not friends. Eventually, others joined their team, such as Power Ring, Deathstorm, Superwoman, Sea King, and Johnny Quick, with his girlfriend Atomica.... Eventually, their world was ravaged by their doomsday, and in their research to repair all that they had lost, Owlman and Deathstorm came across our world. Transporting here, the events that followed were to be known as Forever Evil. The end of this conflict resulted in a crippled Johnny Quick, a dead power ring, and a traitor superwoman. Mazahs was revealed to be the true father of her child, and thus, in the ensuing battle, Our Lex Luthor was able to kill Mazahs, his Earth 3 counterpart. Amanda Waller has kept them imprisoned in ARGUS headquarters until now. Appearance: [img]vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/smallville/images/a/a0/3273709-screen_shot_2013-08-28_at_3.48.27_am.png/revision/latest?cb=20130905170341[/img] [img]http://i.ytimg.com/vi/owvIICp9zGc/0.jpg[/img] [/hider]