[center] [img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/f/2012/249/8/4/abducted_by_design_alien_skull_logo_by_abductedbydesign2-d5du72x.jpg[/img] [/center] [center] [b]Turian Corvette [i]Relentless[/i] - 3rd expeditionary fleet [/b] [/center] [color=82ca9d] "This is Captain Decius to Specialists Rae and Molras of the STG. Keep your shuttles in a tight formation behind the [i]Relentless,[/i] I don't want you two taking any unnecessary damage if things get heavy. Activate cloaking fields and prepare to enter the atmosphere." [/color] Vires commanded from the co-pilot's seat on board the Turian Corvette [i]Relentless.[/i] The ship was old, yet it had the most state of the art cloaking device ever developed; even the famous [i]Normandy[/i] lacked a visual cloaking field. The trio of alien vessels began to form a triangle; the formation was soon established quickly and efficiently, and in record time. The Corvette's engines blasted out streams of blue energy as it began to rocket forward through the cold depths of space towards a strange new world. Vires stared at the holographic projections of the planet below, his expression stoic and his body language unreadable. He was preparing himself for the absolute worst. They had no idea what could happen down there; for all Vires knew, the humans would kill them all on sight. It was already assumed the even more alien forms of the green skinned creatures and their grotesque, monstrous counterparts were hostile. Most spec ops veterans would say something along the lines of 'I've been through worse' here. They'd all be lying. The planet below appeared to be burning. Smoke billowed up into the lower atmosphere as the Corvette broke the stratosphere and began its descent. The two shuttles followed close behind, careful to match the corvette's speed. When the corvette sliced through the cloud layer, and the surface of the planet became visible, the Turian piloting the ship next to Vires gasped."Are we really going down there, Captain?" The pilot asked after a moment, glancing at Decius.[color=82ca9d]"Orders are orders, Airman." [/color] Decius replies instantly, not looking his pilot in the eyes. Under any other circumstances, such doubt from a Turian would be unthinkable; especially a commando. But in a place like this...? The corvette lowered itself between buildings effortlessly, landing in the middle of what appeared to be some kind of square. The tall structures around them were ruined and burning; the only indication that anything was alive on this barren rock was the constant sounds of laser fire, and the barking of machine guns. The Blackwatch troops poured out the back of the corvette as the ramp was lowered. The Turians spread out, keeping their Phaestons at the ready as they checked for any hostiles. The pilot and Captain Decius exited the cockpit and followed suite. Moments later the two shuttles landed side-by-side near the corvette, and the STG filed out and into the small enclosed area. Vires lifted his omni-tool towards his face and began to speak. [color=82ca9d]"This is Captain Decius to Admiral Powree; we're planetside now and establishing a perimeter around the ships. We'll be launching drones in a few minutes - expect the next visual update within the hour." [/color]