[hider=Nex] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [IMG]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-XX0fKd1lnKo/VJ35rVRjooI/AAAAAAAARrY/DbnfiBCFYE8/w500-h500/tumblr_mfwp1m9SqG1s1y62to1_500.png[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b]Nex [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] Shadow, TBA, TBA [b]Gender:[/b]Generally Male [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]Dual-wielding [*]Stealth [*]Impersonation [*]Master Scythe fighter [/list] [b]Magic:[/b] Nex is a master of Shadow Magic, which allow him to control, manipulate, energize, and solidify shadows to use in combat, as well as for a variety of other things, this also allows him to become as formless as a shadow, thus allowing him to change how he looks. Here are some examples of basic spells, and his #1 most Powerful spell that has earned him the majority of his infamy:[list] [*]Shadow Bolt: A bolt of energized shadow that can be fired either in rapid fire or more powerful charged shots [*]Shadow Scythe: A shadow contsruct that takes the form of a scythe, the blade of which is extremely sharp and can grow, shrink, and even be made into a whip like projection, doesn't harm the caster. [*] Shadow Tendrils: Rather self explanatory, this spell allows Nex to summon tendrils of shadows, either for combat, utility, or for fun, if you know what I mean [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] The Black Book:Effects of said book are TBA [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Nex is very much like a young child in his way of reasoning, if he sees something he wants, he'll take it. Anyone who gets in his way will be removed quickly and painfully. [b]Biography:[/b] Once upon a time, there was a young mage of great power and skill, so much so that he was even granted the honor of training under a member of the mage's council. rom the age of 7-14, he buried himself in his studies, wanting to prove to all that he was worthy of this honor. One day, however, he stumbled upon an ancient grimoire that seemed to be made from the hide of a black dragon. The tome wreaked of dark magic, and yet instead of repulsing the boy, it only drew him towards its, like a moth to a flame. The moment he laid his hand upon it, the book sprang open, the pages full of nothing but darkness that surged forth and consumed the boy dragging him screaming into it's dark depths. [b]Others:[/b] As long as Nex serves the book and has it in his possession, he cannot be killed, only severely wounded. He can still kill himself, however, from over use of his magic. [/hider]