"Kyden I canno' believe you would do somethin' like that!" Caelyn added with a quick blush. He had just walked up behind her and scared her by grabbing her hips. Not that she minded, of course. She had always had strong feelings for Kyden, but they just had never acted on them. The whole town of Rogue knew it as well. The townsfolk would always laugh when they saw the two together because it was something so pure, and such a thing was rare indeed. They both grew up orphans after a tragic accident befell Caelyn's father. Caelyn's mother was unbeknownst to her. Her father rarely talked about her, other than in the times he compared Caelyn to her mother. This game went on between Kyden and Caelyn since they were 15. Now being almost 4 years their relationship had evolved into a more intimate nature. Caelyn was just waiting on the day Kyden would kiss her. Or would she have to kiss him? Either way she thought it would be magical. She had only been dreaming of it for years now. Kyden had taken her in after her father had passed and fed her and protected her. He was only 2 years older than she, but he always was so grounded and together. It was what attracted her to him so much. There had not been a time that she could remember where she saw him lose his composure. "Caelyn, mind meetin' me down by the docks later? I have somethin' to be askin you." Kyden said. Caelyn noticed he didn't make eye contact and kicked his feet a bit. He was nervous. But about what? Her mind raced at the possibilities, and it boiled down to one thing. "He's goin' to be askin' me out finally. That lughead." She smiled amused with herself at figuring out what his intentions were. "Sure, sundown ok? I have some chores to be doin' but as soon as I'm done, I'll come." Caelyn hurried back home to tend to her work. Dusk startled to settle as she was fixing her hair and putting on the only real dress she owned. Her pace quickened as she saw the dock and Kyden leaning on a post under. She slowed to a walk as soon as she was about to come into view of him. "Now, what is it your wantin' to tell me Kyden." She asked innocently. Or she tried. Kyden recognized the tone in her voice, he knew she knew. "Well, we haf been friends a long time now. And.." Kyden was interrupted by a huge tentacle coming out and snatching him by the leg. "No!" Caelyn shouted as she pulled out her kukris and jumped on the beasts tentacle. She stabbed with a fury, blaming this beast for stealing her moment. She thrashed her knives in a fury that she had never known. But soon she found a tentacle wrapping around her throat. Kyden saw it and started beating on the tentacle he was on. He flailed, with all of his strength and managed to get free. He looked up to see where Caelyn was and to go to her... only to see bubbles as the beast had fled out to sea. "Argh!" Kyden shuddered as he awoke from the nightmare that had tormented him for over two years now. He had left Rogue after the accident because he could not handle all the memories. But they followed him as a ghastly reminder of his inabilities. They were constant reminders of what he strived to do away with. While scouring the coast he retrieved Caelyn's kukri's and began training with them. He had come a very long way in those 2 years. He had experience with daggers but these required a certain finesse. He had to make his life have some kind of meaning. But what? The answer smacked him in the face, literally. A flyer behind blown through in the wind hit him square in the face and then dropped into his hands. He looked at it and realized that it was a reward poster for slaying a monster in Seles. He would go. He had to go. "Caelyn, I don' know how right this will make things, but, I will do this for you."