[quote=@Robeatics] A moth has wandered into the arena! The cat bats at it languidly from its comfortable spot on its side before, apparently losing interest, it dabbed its tongue down along its tufts of chest fur. The moth loops its share of the arena in short circles before finding a proper resting place on a tree. GROOMING: [color=hotpink]III[/color]I [/quote] The cat is still as insignificant as it was before! [quote=@Pie Flavor] - Drawing Complete 2/2 - She smiled at the godmodder admiring him for a mere moment but then went back to her work... The girl looked at the drawing before she continued on it, working in on the details of it. She worked on the picture's detail as it would come handy to see what a magnificent piece of art come to life, and so with her pencil she began. It would take a while but no doubt the girl would finish the drawing in no more than four posts. It may of looked harmless now but it may have been a trick brought on by the light but there was no doubt that there was a faint transparent figure looming over the girl and looking at the drawing. - Details 1/4 - [/quote] The Godmodder still respects your talent! [quote=@Durandal] A blue whale falls from the sky, heading towards the mouth of the portal. Bellows of fear emit from the creature as it passes through the hole into the depths of chaos. Summon Cthulhu [color=green]||[/color]|||||||| [/quote] The Godmodder ignored the whale. [quote=@Megadraco] M began to raise his hand, to give his dragon the to attack, when he felt a chill go down his spine. He looked behind himself,and his eyes widened as he saw the tear in reality, and the clawed hands coming from it. M lowered his hand, grabbed the intercom, and said, in a shaky voice, "P, do you hear me? When A and T are through, I want you to begin preparing the portal so you can come through. G should come along, as well. It's an emergency." He then pressed a button on the machine, and started talking again. "A, T, situation's changed. You [i]must[/i] come through the portal as soon as it finishes charging. Once you do, don't hold back. We've got Code Purple, Eldritch Summoning." [i]I should take care of the other threat first,[/i] M thought. He snapped his fingers, and a small amount of stone appeared inside the Godmodder's heart. It immediately expanded, until it reached the size of a mountain, bursting out of the Godmodder, killing, or at least heavily injuring him, in the process. [/quote] You instead stone the heart of the cat, causing it to die! The Godmodder is appalled! [quote=@Robeatics] Things went on around the cat that didn’t seem to bother it too much. It basked in the light of the many summoning circles dotting the arena before climbing to its feet and stretching up from its spine, sending every little muscle aquiver with tension before it relaxed back into a seat upon a hunk of rubble. Its eyes closed slowly, contented. GROOMING: [color=hotpink]IIII[/color] With a misty sigh, every macrocosm within the boundaries of mortal cognition dimmed. The cosmos opened wide, a dewy rose blooming on a gray morning, and fell, petal by petal, every descent from their own imponderable, alien skies like a titan swooning back at a thunderclap’s command. Deep beyond the horizon of the galaxy, a petal bent, and the dew came coursing through the veins of every planet of every star that labored, desperately, to survive the oncoming extinction. Where once they stood as pillars to worlds, unshackled gods among the sentient, the few among Nature’s children whose stiff chins stiffened still at the urging of their puny candlelight cousins, they would now be fuel. A necessary sacrifice, for what was to come. Somewhere in the vast cold beings rumbled, eager, keening, hungry, more unknown than even the enigma of the Old Ones, their power equally as immeasurable. The little cat opened its eyes. [b]CAT[/b]ACLYSM OF THE SEMPITERNAL: [color=RED]I[/color]IIIIIIIIIIII [/quote] M killed the cat before it could get comfortable! Everyone be appalled! The Godmodder's own portal let out black tendrils of pure evil. Anyone in the vicinity of the portal could feel the pure evil flowing from the portal. [hider=Godmodder] [b]Godmodder HP:[/b] 97/100 [b]Buffs:[/b] Mist [b]Summon:[/b] [color=007236]II[/color][color=ed1c24]IIIIIIII[/color] [/hider] [hider=Anti Godmodders] [/hider]