M looked at the dead cat, eyes wide. Then, his gaze jumped towards the Godmodder. "Why are you looking at me like that?!" He shouted. "I can control the Mist to the very molecule! You were the one who changed my target with reality warping or whatever!" He then looked around. Four portals were already in the battlefield. One, summoning an Elder God incomprehensible to any normal mortal mind, though that part wouldn't be a problem for him. The incredibly powerful, and nobody's ally part, on the other hand, were worrying. Then there was the Godmodder's own portal, summoning a being seemingly made out of pure evil, probably capable of corrupting anything it touches... But, again, the "corruption" part was not that big of a deal. Third, there was the portal leading to space, which, for whatever reason, seemed more dangerous than the other two combined. Finally, there was his own portal, leading straight to Yggdrasil, and the only portal which wasn't tearing apart the dimensions in some way or another. M grabbed his intercomm. "A, T, once again, change of plans. I'm gonna go out of comission for a while. I'll probably be unable to talk to you when you arrive, so I'll relay you your orders now. A, as soon as you arrive here, I want you to give your Blessing to all our allies. That'd be everyone save for the guy summoning the being made of evil. T, as for you, there's a little cat I'd like you to revive." "A little- M, you know I can't just-!" "Life and Death don't work right here. Just try to do it." "Fine. But I'll need to know how it died." "Sudden rock expansion inside his heart. I don't wanna talk about it. After those are done, just attack the guy summoning Evil, and try to keep at bay anything that comes out of a portal that isn't ours." After this, he put the device away. M held his hands besides his waist, palms open, facing forward. They grasped a pair of short blue chains that had suddenly appeared in front of them. Huge amounts of blue Mist leaked from under M's cloak, engulfing him and solidifying, forming a bluish, transparent, yet completely impenetrable cocoon of sorts. Then, M fell asleep. And the cocoon began to shine. A AND T'S PORTAL: 7/10 P AND G'S PORTAL: -3/10 COCOON: 1/10