Name: Blade Age: 18 Bio: unknown, due to experiments and training that go's beyond human norms (like forcing him to connect his mind to a computer) he has lost all his memories...., he now only go's by the name Blade that was given to him, he has no idea if this is his real name or not as he tends to use a short sword which seemed to have stemmed his "nickname"??, though they also have called him 66 for some reason, they trained him to be an assassin or super soldier or something. personality: He is kind of like a big brother or leader type of person, trying to aid the younger ones and ignoring his own trouble, he wont hesitate to take action and wont bother with taking a live if its needed, though he rather wants to live peaceful, I might change it in IC as I am not that good at working this out and in IC I might need to act differently and with it change his personality, but the big brother and expert soldier stuff is the base line. Powers: Bio-Electric enhancements able to manipulate the bio-electrical pulses that the brain sends out throughout the body. using this he can increase his strength, speed and agility but this will damage his muscles, however this ability can also be used to redirect to his healing, in order to recover from wounds and restore the damage to his muscles, he can use his ability together with the physical improvements BUT both get more limited, able to barely restore his damaged muscles and still increase his ability's but at a lower rate (making him chose, balanced, healing or at own risk), also he can cover his body with the same electrical pulse in order to shock others, slowing down the other persons own bio-electrical impulses, making them react slower, weaker and less agile and fast in general. Theory of the scientist is that he might even be able to connect his mind to a computer trough the impulses, using this he might be able to hack into systems on an organic level, able to bypass most computerized defenses or download its intelligence in his own brain, there might be more possibilities using this power but he has yet to learn them (such as mastering the impulses to release an electric blast or lightning) finally he can also overload his own electrical force, leaving him completely drained and hardly able to walk around, but using this he can completely electrify someone or something, it takes time for him to restore from this but it has no permanent effects at least. Equipment: A short sword. Appearance:[img][/img] but with a scare on his right cheek Other: He has a natural born ability to think at a super high level, able to process entire thoughts in a matter of a mere feeling (this is not a super power, I actually have this in real live), this is one of the reasons why the scientist believe he is able to hack computers with his mind