Name: Gaurman Ittelic (also been called Bolt for reasons unknown to him) Age: officially unknown due to one of his powers. Bio: Gaurman was found at the doorstep of a church as a baby, yet after being taken in a day later he was found as an teenager reading the bible, commenting on its flaws how he feels for some reason he cannot comprehend himself, that man mistranslated the scriptures or something, the nun that found the teen him went to get the priests that had found him, yet suddenly he was a baby once more, one playing with a rattler made from light. it was this that forced the priests to bring him to Observation center where he grew up in the next 10 years of his live, learning to control his aging and his other powers, due to his switching between ages he can remember even the stuff from when he was a baby. personality: I cannot describe him, he has two states on mind due to one of his powers though, one more mature and one a small child Powers: Judgement (able to create a beam of light from the hands or the air, the air one possess much more destructive power and range but it takes time to charge up and it cannot be controlled, hitting everything in its range, the one from his hand can be aimed more) Angel feathers (able to create a shield of energy made feathers working like a barrier) Healing touch (able to revive and or heal by touching someone, the time is based on the wounds, he can also extend the holy aura around him, this lowers the healing effect but allows healing multiple targets, this holy aura makes no difference between friend and foe, this on the other hand also damage those weak to holy energy or light (in case such things appear IC)) -Weapon summon (Ability to summon or create weapons to his own wishes, limited to his two hands though (unless making one for someone else but these tend to be weaker and break in particles in time), these weapons are made from hardlight and in some cases possess unique powers though these are harder to make, the more powers and more powerful the more draining the creation is, more limited on time and longer it takes to make) (if needed I can limit this one if people think its too much) -Age (ability to switch between his age shapes, has no effect on his powers, but would effect his mental state) -fly (he has wings of energy...) -Holy song (able to sing a beautiful and captivating song that during the songs use captivates all those that hear it and is able to boost certain chosen targets their physical abilities and powers, the boosts effect differs based on the one effected) Apperance: -Child: his wings exist out of energy which he can create and disappear at a whim, they are 25 CM long and 50 CM high each with multiple colors, spanning from yellow, pink and green, white clothes with blue lines from shoulder to the lower part of the shirt, mid long blond hair and still blue eyes with a normal skin color while looking 10 years old -Adult: His wings exist out of energy which he can create and disappear at a whim, they are at 3 meter long each and exist from multiple colors, spanning all the child ones and many more, having a complete line, he has long blond hair (until his lower back), white clothes with blue lines from shoulder to the lower part of the shirt, bright blue eyes, white skin and looks like he is 25