[quote=@Megadraco] M looked at the dead cat, eyes wide. Then, his gaze jumped towards the Godmodder. "Why are you looking at me like that?!" He shouted. "I can control the Mist to the very molecule! You were the one who changed my target with reality warping or whatever!" He then looked around. Four portals were already in the battlefield. One, summoning an Elder God incomprehensible to any normal mortal mind, though that part wouldn't be a problem for him. The incredibly powerful, and nobody's ally part, on the other hand, were worrying. Then there was the Godmodder's own portal, summoning a being seemingly made out of pure evil, probably capable of corrupting anything it touches... But, again, the "corruption" part was not that big of a deal. Third, there was the portal leading to space, which, for whatever reason, seemed more dangerous than the other two combined. Finally, there was his own portal, leading straight to Yggdrasil, and the only portal which wasn't tearing apart the dimensions in some way or another. M grabbed his intercomm. "A, T, once again, change of plans. I'm gonna go out of comission for a while. I'll probably be unable to talk to you when you arrive, so I'll relay you your orders now. A, as soon as you arrive here, I want you to give your Blessing to all our allies. That'd be everyone save for the guy summoning the being made of evil. T, as for you, there's a little cat I'd like you to revive." "A little- M, you know I can't just-!" "Life and Death don't work right here. Just try to do it." "Fine. But I'll need to know how it died." "Sudden rock expansion inside his heart. I don't wanna talk about it. After those are done, just attack the guy summoning Evil, and try to keep at bay anything that comes out of a portal that isn't ours." After this, he put the device away. M held his hands besides his waist, palms open, facing forward. They grasped a pair of short blue chains that had suddenly appeared in front of them. Huge amounts of blue Mist leaked from under M's cloak, engulfing him and solidifying, forming a bluish, transparent, yet completely impenetrable cocoon of sorts. Then, M fell asleep. And the cocoon began to shine. A AND T'S PORTAL: 7/10 P AND G'S PORTAL: -3/10 COCOON: 1/10 [/quote] You've encased yourself in a cocoon! The Godmodder paints some very helpful pro-Godmodder graffiti on the cocoon! [quote=@Mikellh Dejax] Eubeal puts a hand on his chin. He then kicks a small rock to both of the portals that have beings coming out of them, just to see what would happen. He walks over to one of the other portals (the portal that opens to Yggdrasil.) And peeks inside. (I don't know if people from either end can see each other.) He points his right hand at the portal and snaps his fingers. Eubeal holds his right hand forward, opened. He then spatial-shifts the 9mm gun to his hand, grabs it and inspects it. He holds the gun firmly, aims at the Godmodder, and fires. When the bullet gets near enough the Godmodder, and over the portal of his summons, Eubeal will then increase the bullet's heat to supernova temperatures. The bullet will shine extremely brightly that it will blind anyone looking at it with glasses, and will be extremely hot, that it will cause a burn radius of at least 10 meters. Then he fires another one at the Godmodder, just a regular bullet. Eubeal then glances at the portal with the clawed hands, he raises an open hand to it, stops, then puts his hand down. He looks back at the GM A and T's portal 8/10 Charge: 5/15 [/quote] The rock just sails through the Godmodder's portal, as if it wasn't there. The gun, however, was out of ammo! [quote=@Durandal] A shadow falls across part of the battlefield, heralding the arrival of a ship over the battlefield. Floating, it appears stunned before fighting itself and turning its belly towards the ground. Holes can be seen opening slowly on the sides and bottom. Space Marine Assault [color=red]|[/color]|| Cthulhu senses the new portals, becoming intensely curious to get out of its own portal. Through force of will, he makes his way out a bit more. [color=green]|||[/color]||||||| [/quote] The Godmodder notes the arrival of the ship, and smirks. He then throws his hand up, and a beam shoots out. At about 50 feet in the air, it explodes. Ten seconds later, a second flare is seen. The Godmodder smiled. Perfect. [quote=@gamer5910] After being freed from that gladiator's net Riku looked around seeing all the portals and the huge ship above them, but what caught his eye most was the portal with Cthulhu coming out of it. Riku brought his hand to his ear and pressed and held the button on his ear piece "yeah it's me... We have a problem... Yeah basically... How long till you guys show up... Well you just hurry and I try the others... Yes bring the ship... Okay thanks." After finishing Riku stood there not impressed by whoever decided to summon this creature but they don't got a clue what they're risking here. Back up: 1/3 [/quote] The Godmodder watched in curiosity. [hider=Godmodder] [b]Godmodder HP:[/b] 97/100 [b]Buffs:[/b] Mist [b]Summon:[/b] [color=007236]III[/color][color=ed1c24]IIIIIII[/color] [b]Army: [/b] [color=007236]I[/color][color=ed1c24]III[/color] [/hider] [hider=Anti Godmodders] [/hider]