[b]Name:[/b] Eldar Darius [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] He was born a Lescanzi Human [b]Appearance:[/b] Darius looks fairly fit for his 37 years of experience and his deep Red hair with its loose curls is cut short. what you can see of his skin is pale, except that around his eyes which looks tired, but with a reddish hew, as though he wore a pale red eyeliner. He is always wearing a deep purple cloak that covers all but his face, allowing one to tell he is of slight build, despite his height. The cloak has marking on it in a brighter Red then his hair and he has a Tome strapped to his back like a backpack, with a cape similar to his cloak flowing over it. In his hand he holds a 2.3m (about 7'6) oak staff that looks as though it is holding an invisible orb, where instead there is only a deep red light. [b]Personality: [/b] Darius is Kind and caring, seeking to help who he can rather then blame them for his troubled past. Having seen so much darkness and evil in the world he always tries to find the fairest, most peaceful solution to a problem. If there is a chance he can make all parties involved happy, he will try his best to do it. As for people close to him, while its hard to gain his trust he finds it easy to like people, seeking to help anyone he can and going to any length to ensure the safety and happiness of those closest to him, even at the cost of his own. [b]Character type and traits: [/b] Lore Maker -Incredibly learnered with battlemagic (even though he cant use it) -Physically Weak* -Little to no understanding of necromantic magics or of the dead -Not very perceptive *(W/O magic, but using magic to increase his strength then using it violently would break the Vow) [b]History:[/b] Being born a mongrel Lescanzi, his family was forced out of their home. As a child his mother treated him with less kindness then a master would a slave, his father no where to be seen. He sook to be better then this. To achieve this he decided to take advantage of his magical abilities. He posed as a foreigner, who traveled far to learn magic, and found his way to begin learning it from another mage. They spent years together, training and working. During this time he felt a darkness start to grow in him, a darkness he despised. After some years training and helping his master earn money by abusing their abilities he knew that he didnt enjoy harming others, even if his master told him it was necessary to get by. So, after learning of the Temple of Araiundour, he packed his things and traveled far to their temple, where he began to delve deeper into the mists of Magic, after a year learning of all forms equally as some do, he decided to focus one one form, as many did. He focused on the Magic of Battling, commanding and fighting. He learned how to use magic in order to win wars, even though he Vow forbid him from using much of it, because of this the council never truly trusted him and when he asked them to aid the world in defending against the hoards they branded him a traitor and called him a spell-sword, threatening to bind his powers if he didn't leave. Knowing that he could never just stand by and watch the world be taken and corrupted by these monstrous creations he left without a word. Again, he had worked hard to create a live for himself only to have it burned to ash. But he had not just created a life, he had discovered who he truly was, and that person, the real Darius, would not, COULD NOT just stand by as thousands of innocent souls were taken from the worldly plane. After days of long arduous travel, his survival largely due to his magical knowledge he found one of the mighty armies that were massing to stand against this hoard of hell. He immediately requested parlay with their commander and asked to join as a mage, persuading him that he could help train the other mages thanks to his background. The army he served marched to war, they fought long and hard into the night, but it was inevitable, the castle fell. Using all of his magical knowledge he managed to save the commander and a handful of other mages and knights who he soon relied on to vouch for him upon joining the currant host in Castle First Reach [b]Equipment: [/b] -Staff (desc above) -Tome ~ 'The Lore Tome' The covers are thick and made of solid, oak, wood and are covered in engravings similar to the patterns on his cloak. Its pages filled with scraps of paper that have been stuffed in, mainly from Darius personal notes that have been added to the Lore-Tome.