CS Name: Tear Gender: Female Age: 50 Species: Latias Level: 55 Appearance: [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/115/e/a/latias_by_all0412-d4xlkwn.jpg[/img] Personality: Tear is overly kind and trusting. She loves to make friends and hates it when others are in trouble. She likes to help others as much as she can however she can, although this is done in a secretive way, making sure no evidence is left behind when the job is completed. Tear is always smiling, being positive all the time. Bio: Tear spends most of her days with her brother, she has become worried of the pokemon, having no idea why they are losing their memories, she has even noticed some of them disappearing, she hopes that somehow, things will work out, but she has no idea how. If only she knew how to fix everything, she'd do everything in her power to make everything right. Pokemon Type: Dragon and Psychic Evolves into?: None EXP Needed to LV: 160,000 Experience Earned: Ability: Technician Ability Description: Strengthens weaker moves. Team: Name of Team: Eon Duo Name of Guild: None Friends: Other Legendary Pokemon Family: Brother. Sentimental Attachment: Her brother. Starting Location: ??? Stats HP: 153 Attack: 102 Defense: 104 Sp.Atk: 113 Sp.Def: 148 Speed: 126 Other: