Jacob flinched at the sight of the wolf thing, and instinct told him to back away. He stumbled though, and the thing was upon him before he could recover. Faintly Jacob could hear the man say something about finding the girl from before, unsure if he should struggle against this thing or stay still and hope he'd be alright. Whatever was happening it was obvious the thing was moving, and Jacob tried not to breathe the stale pocket of air left inside the thing. The liquid which was no doubt blood sickened him, and each second of his journey felt agonizingly more putrid than the last. When the thing finally dumped him out Jacob scrambled to his feet and began cursing, rubbing everywhere he could still feel the fluid on him. In truth it had only soaked into his already red jacket a minimal amount but it certainly didn't feel like it. "IGedubluuuugaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Jacob managed to babble, giving one last shudder as he began to calm down. "[i]Go on then, go,[/i]" someone behind him commanded, and he turned to see the wolf like creature point towards a tunnel before leaving, but nobody being around to have given the command. He was in a tunnel, a large tunnel, with a few sets of tracks going in and out of a few passage ways. Everything was poorly illuminated by gas lamps and a few lights hooked up to a generator, the lights in the run down train cars either not on or not working. Realizing he was on the tracks Jacob moved back worriedly, but his fear was lessened upon realizing parts of the tracks were paved over. [i]Must be an abandoned section of subway system,[/i] he thought to himself, slowly walking forward as he looked around. The wolf thing before leaving had pointed towards one of the tunnels, and hesitantly Jacob began walking down it. The graffiti skulls covering the walls made him feel watched, and in the back of his mind he could feel something creeping up on him. Wishing to escape this he made his way down the tunnel, staying off the tracks and moving towards the sound of voices. Before long he came across an odd, makeshift wall of sorts blocking his path. It looked to be made from a metal fence and cardboard, decorated with posters of the skulls he'd seen earlier and though it wasn't eye pleasing it made sure one couldn't easily see through to the other side. Taking a deep breath Jacob pushed past the curtain and found what looked like a sort of sleeping quarters, and inside two children fighting. There was another bloody wolf like thing in the room too, and it gave Jacob a passive glance before returning it's attention to the squabbling kids. The two hadn't seemed to notice him, and so Jacob tried thinking of something to say to make an impression that wouldn't have the girl want to 'cut him' like she'd threatened before. It was hard to think with the two shouting at each other though, and before he could put together his thoughts Jacob blurted out, "What the hell are you too fighting about?"