CS Name: Tiana Gender: Female Age: 1000 Species: Articuno Level: 50 Appearance: [img]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/361/4/7/pokemon_challenge_day_12___articuno__by_iscawhitewolf-d6zlijs.png[/img] Personality: Tiana is always thinking about others instead of herself, she is kind and considerate. She loves the cold and winter more than anything. She likes to show everyone her beauty, and is very passionate about fashion. Tiana tries to be as generous as she can, giving out more than she normally can. Bio: Tiana has grown increasingly worried for other pokemon and legendary pokemon since the disaster started. She has grown worried, having no idea how to fix it, and nobody else seems to know either. She doesn't know what to do, and she knows they only have a limited amount of time before it starts to affect her and the others. Pokemon Type: Ice and Flying Evolves into?: None EXP Needed to LV: 110'000 Experience Earned: Ability: Snow Cloak Ability Description: Becomes stronger in a hailstorm Guild/Team/Exploration Team: None Name of Team: None Name of Guild: None Friends: Other Legendary Pokemon Family: Sentimental Attachment: None Starting Location: ??? Stats HP: 150 Attack: 99 Defense: 105 Sp.Atk: 90 Sp.Def: 130 Speed: 90 Other: