Today was the day. Three long weeks of practicing with Tutshill had gone by so quickly, especially the last two, after having been given the shot of a lifetime. Today he would be trying out for the Falmouth Falcons, and he had been sober two days for the occasion. It may not have been horribly long, but considering his tendencies, it was a long time. He smoothed himself out and grabbed his bag. Today was the day he changed his life. He first apparated to the Tutshill pitch, a letter in hand, but he was already running late, so he knew this would have to be a quick trip. He was spotted, first, by Daniels who landed, and upon seeing Marcus in different colors, he glared. "Wrong colours, Flint." Marcus waved his papers and shoved them into Daniels chest. "Check again, Daniels. This is my letter of resignation. I'm on to bigger, better, things." He said before stepping back and apparating again. The paparazzi was swarming the pitch, but Marcus ducked through the crowd with ease and into the pitch itself. He saw the team lined up, and he brought himself over with the other papers. "Sorry I'm running a bit late." He apologized to the owner and the manager first. They smiled though as he handed them his papers. "It's quite alright, we are [I]aware[/I] as to how Tutshill can be. Please take your place in line beside Miss Bell." He said, motioning over to the blonde he knew so well. A smirk came over his face, and a collection of looks were shot his way. None of them seemed to like he was there. Oh, but they we're about to love how well he played, especially when they got at Puddlemere and Tutshill. He was so ready for this, He had been busting his ass off and on the pitch to prepare for this. "Break a leg, jungle bell." He muttered to her, taunting her more or less. He knew that a few weeks earlier that this team would have never been expecting someone like him to walk onto their pitch to try out, but that was weeks ago, and here they were. And he was so ready for this second chance.