Peter nodded at Dani's written response. Learning was also something he was looking forward to, especially after growing up in Diagon Alley, where the entire street was filled to the brim with magic. He couldn't wait until he would be able to cast charms, brew potions and even conjure up powerful curses (non-lethal of course!) although he was well aware that that would take a while. He took note at the comment of her being new to it all. Peter figured she was muggleborn and his face lit up at the fact. Maybe she had seen some of the films Uncle David had shown him. Strangely that was something else that interested Peter about Hogwarts. Sure it was a place of witchcraft and sorcery, but it also gave him a chance to meet people of all different types. Before he had a chance to ask, Pearleane had produced a small box from her purse. His eyes lit up at the site as he knew exactly what they were. He eagerly accepted one once she offered, closing his eyes slightly in order to not spoil the surprise. That obviously wouldn't have made any difference however, as he would never have been able to guess the flavour his taste buds were receiving. Cottage pie. Peter was completely disgusted; due to him actually enjoying cottage pie, although for him, that was a new one. Out of the corner of his eye he watched as Dani tried hers, and gave a short chuckle at the site of her taste it. As her eyes began to water, Peter leaned forward with a smile. "Take it you didn't get a good one then?" Peter was about to tell the tow which flavour he had when the compartment door burst open. In the doorway stood three students. They were obviously all older which slightly intimidated him. The girl was pretty he noted, although not his type. Speaking of his type, however, Pearleane rose her feet defensively. Peter kept his mouth closed as he watched her hands ball into fists and one thought crossed his mind; He was going to die before the train even left the platform!