[color=8dc73f]“Oooh, making costumes already? Do mine, too!”[/color] Felyse spoke up from his spot on the couch – the one that was in front of the giant computer screen where he watched the other’s playing Halo – and looked up from his bag of ranch Doritos he was once so focused on. Tossing the chips to the side, he crawled his way to the back of the couch, resting his head against the palm of his hands, as he watched Penelope work her magic around the sewing machine. [color=8dc73f]“I want a black hoodie with lime green patterns. Same thing with my mask; although, something that covers my whole head and faceless.” [/color] Unconsciously, Felyse combed the strands of hair beneath his chosen hat-of-the-day with a hand. White with red tips – his hair stood out more than what his envisioned hero outfit ever would be. Like a watermelon snow cone amidst the tundra. There was always the option of dyeing, buuuuut that would be an attack on his individuality… also, his lazy side was opting out. As an extra precaution – and a security blanket – he got a brand new hat all picked out for mission impossible; although, truthfully, the headgear was more for aesthetic effect than anything else. Out of the corner of his eyes, he watched his teammates going about. He grabbed the bag of chips and munched away. Research he could do, but planning away was a no-go; so he left that task to his more methodical comrades. [color=8dc73f]“By the way, anyone got any heroic names all planned out?” [/color]