[b]Kyle Messor[/b] [b][i]BZZZ! BZZZ! BZZZ! BZ–[/i][/b] Kyle moaned as he silenced his alarm. “Why do I have to be up so [i]early?[/i]” he complained to himself. But he knew very well. Soccer season starts soon, and even a goalie needs to be in shape. He sat up, looking at the clock that he had just silenced. [i]5:01. Great. Twenty-nine minutes to kill before conditioning starts,[/i] Kyle thought. He grabbed a towel and made his way to the shower room, half-asleep. He stripped, and as he stepped in and turned the water on, he started to let his mind wander. Kyle reflected on what had happened yesterday, in the library. Over the top of his textbook, he had watched as a new student sat down with a library regular, and for some reason she sat on his lap – even kissed him – although she looked very uncomfortable while doing it. [i]Something’s going on there, and it doesn’t seem right…[/i] he thought, sighing. Finished showering, Kyle turned the water off, wrapped a towel around himself and went back to his dorm. He changed into his practice uniform and walked out the door, headed towards the field.