[h3][b]Sato Hashimoto[/b] /// [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9-devZzZNk]Warakuma High, Main Entrance[/url][/h3] After awkwardly shaking Sato’s hand and confirming that he did in fact attend Warakuma High, Sieg stopped to question if Sato was really okay, though Sato merely shook his head and ran a hand over the side of his neck. “[color=skyblue]Yeah, I’m okay, seriously.[/color]” The red-headed boy continued after his affirmation, going on to detail what club he was in at Sato’s asking of it. When he heard that this Sieghardt guy was a member of the drama club, Sato raised an eyebrow and began to focus on the boy’s words harder. Based on the way he talked, it wasn’t too farfetched to believe that someone like him would be a part of the drama club, where people like Leiko Hamada thrived. After saying his regards, Sieg stepped away to leave. “[color=skyblue]Laters. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow too…[/color]” Sato’s words trailed off as Sieg made his way presumably home, leaving the teen rather alone, in an uncomfortable way. There was an off-putting silence, and Sato merely stood there a while before sounds came from the nearby archery range. People were starting to leave the range, bunched in groups of friends. All the students were too far away to recognize beyond basic body shape, and it lead Sato to wonder where the people Sato knew where. Were they still in there, diligent enough to stay back and clean up? Though, either way, he was already gone to all of them and it made no sense to stay, so Sato turned on his heel and started walking back to his house. Upon arriving home, Sato threw his shoes to the side and scurried up the stairs and into his room, tossing the books he still managed to carry into the corner of the room. The boy took a few steps towards his bed before collapsing onto it, half his body on and the other holding itself up from the floor. Now that he had nothing else to feel, the weird burning feeling on his hand became more prominent and he recalled Sieg’s words. “[i]Get your hands some attention.[/i]” Sato pushed himself up from the sheets with the base of his palm. “[i]Don’t want any infections now.[/i]” Sato shuffled back out into the hall and over to the nearest sink. Upon fiddling with the tap, cool water spread over the dead skin and uprooted flesh beneath. It stung a tiny bit at first before turning into a smooth nothing. When the nothing became cold, Sato withdrew his hands and stopped the flow of water. As he made his way back to his room and onto his bed (making sure to close the door behind him), the teen went over tomorrow in his head. Classes as per usual and then Drama Club. While he had already attended a meeting already, it wasn’t a [i]real[/i] meeting and he wondered they would get into the meat of things that early. Part of him hoped so, but another part felt a pang of regret for joining Drama. His thoughts on the topic continued until his eyes failed to keep open and his consciousness slowly faded until there was nothing but black.