[@SirBeowulf] I dont have too much of a problem with the sheet, in fact I do like it, but there needs to be a bit more detail. His appearance section mainly. Pictures are used as supplements and all that, but there still needs to be a bit of detail on his character. His skin for one is FAR too perfect for a swordsman. His skin should be littered with scars ranging from size because you don't get good at an art like that unless you get hurt. I've picked up training in Kendo recently and in the past two months, and while I'm still working with Bokkens I've seen some of the higher ranking members acquired a LOT of scars to add to their collection. I would honestly be surprised that he hasn't lost a few fingers. That's just an example of the detail you should be adding. I have no idea how dense he is as a person in terms of weight, what color his eyes are, stuff like that. Secondly, the average human stands are 5'7 in this RP (since humans weren't as tall in the middle ages, which is approx. just before the time of this RP setting wise). We have a few humans reaching six feet and more so far and I've kept quiet about that, but I want to make sure you know that if you're that big and you're using a style he's using, you're at a supreme disadvantage compared to someone who is the right size for that art. I'm 5'10, and I've been put on my ass several times by people much smaller than me (sometimes my own students, although once we fight on the ground it's a different story). That's in hand to hand combat where speed and agility win out over power (because it doesn't matter how hard you hit if you don't connect). I'm trying to make you aware that your character might be more agile than an unpracticed or new swordsman, but as a human (and a large one at that) he's going to be nothing but outclassed when going up against a smaller someone who's using the same or a similar aggressive style. You might want to add that to the weaknesses which are also somewhat lacking. I say this because this: [quote]The Ferdinand style, while very effective against people simply hiding behind a shield, has problems when going up against another aggressive style. In such a situation, both sides will likely be injured heavily simply due to the fact that neither are able to properly defend. [/quote] Isn't a weakness. It's a limitation.