Rennac was preparing a followup punch when he heard the INTCOM as well as what, well, wasn't quite what he was expecting, but was close enough nonetheless. "The underlined bit was more a jab at Karasis for nearly having the guards kill an unarmed diplomat, but close enough. This WHOLE thing might have been avoided if you were simply kind enough to answer when I was inquiring about the dataspike. Here I was thinking you were Klith and Reaper here was the traitor that helped him escape. Next time could you give me a bit of a heads up?" The Wolkar gave Reaper a sheepish grin, figuring he would end up owing the Litharian an apology. "Sorry bout that by the way, but given the circumstances I figured you were the one who helped Klith. Mysterious dataspike, you wanting to keep it in the system, etc."