[quote=@UrbanEvolution] -snip- [/quote] Oh dear I seem to have dropped all the shits I don't give! XD It's just fantasy man, it doesn't have to be appropriate for the medieval time period. I don't think I remember the documentary about the living Minotaurs hurling battleaxes the size of children at elven mages using mystical magicks, must have skipped that documentary, because that totally fits the medieval period, doesn't it? XD Look at the fantasy gaemz out there, it's for fun, not for realism. So what if our characters are 6 feet tall, power to us, we're awesome, who cares? Don't try and throw realism into the mix when you have monsters, and MOUNTAIN SIZED BEETLES, cuz those sure as hell aren't REALISTIC to medieval beetles! XD Let us have some fun, let us enjoy ourselves, if we can't enjoy ourselves what's the point in a roleplay that's made for enjoyment? [hider][img]http://mrwgifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Shhhhhh-Be-Quiet-Reaction-Gif.gif[/img][/hider] Also, our characters aren't overly special? BARTLEBY BEGS TO DIFFER WITH HIS CLUMSY ELEGANCE AND AMAZING FAT CAT! [hider][img]http://www.quirkbooks.com/sites/default/files/editor_uploads/original/kindofabigdeal.gif[/img][/hider]