Nex only nodded and smile, staring at the woman for a time with his head cocked to the side, eating the rest of the fruit as he did so. After he had finished it, core and all, he just smiled and turned to walk away. He didn't say a word, simply walked away in search of something else to entertain him. He was surprised as a large amount of people had arrived, one in particular drawing his attention, or more specifically, what was on her back. He quickly zipped over to her, barely noticing the blonde man by her side as he stopped in front of her, bouncing on his feet and clapping his hands together, eyes wide with wonder and excitement. "Awesome, is that a cannon? Are you going to come help us? COOOOOOOOOOOOOL, your going to make the spider go 'BOOOOOOOOM' and splatter evrywhere in burning chunks and it'll be amazing! Can I touch, can I hold it, can I have it, I really want one. Wait, neve mind, just let me hold, all I need to do is hold it Where did you get it, tell me where, please, please, pleeeeeeeeaaaaaasssse?!?!" As he was jumping in place with excitement, Nex began to shapeshift unconsciously with each bounce, alternating between his original form, one of a small girl with blonde hair, a strange bipedal lizard creature with blue scales, another girl, this one much older and very voluptious, then starting all over again. "Oh, my name is Nex, Nex is me, I am Nex, what is your name?" Nex asked, remembering his manners at the last second.