[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b2/0b/7a/b20b7aae86315e72631477348577c7bb.jpg[/img] [b]Name: Bento Quine, The Windcaller[/b] [b]Age: 34[/b] [b]Appeared Age: Mid Thirties[/b] [b]Height: 6’4[/b] [b]Weight: 198[/b] [b]Eye Color: Steel[/b] [b]Hair Color: Dark Grey[/b] [b]Physical Identifiers:[/b][list] [*]Strange wisps flow in seemingly random patterns within his eyes. [*]Bento has a multitude of deep, nasty scars latticing his back from lashes he has received. [/list] [h3][center][color=lightcyan]Background[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Residence:[/b] N/A [b]Profession:[/b] Slave Formerly: Motum Diversum Recon/Scout Special Operative) [b]Aligned Faction:[/b] The Forsaken Order (Slave) Formerly: Motum Diversum [b]Relatives:[/b] Elias Quine (Father) [b]Backstory:[/b] Born in Russel City to a leatherworker, Bento was raised primarily by his father, his mother having died of sickness only a few years after he was born. Descended from the protected son of philosopher Willard Quine, an important philosopher and analyst himself, the Quines have passed down the works and teachings of the greatest philosophers of the old world. An exceptionally bright student, he earned his father’s pride, even when he decided to pursue a career in the military, rather than take up the family trade, and the pursuit of deeper study. At first he was assigned as a caravan guard, like most members of the Diversum’s armed forces, however over time it became clear that his talents were being wasted. By the time he was 24 he had worked his way into an elite section of the military, focused on gathering intelligence on the Forsaken Order. At the age of 27, he was sent to the mountains above Ironhold, deep within enemy territory, to watch troop movements in and out of the city. While there, he found himself getting sick with what appeared to be a pretty standard cold. After a midnight foray into a nearby mining camp to steal some supplies and any intel he could find, Bento was on the face of a cliff, free-climbing back up to his campsite when his fatigue got the best of him. He knew he shouldn’t have been running ops while under the weather, but he had needed those supplies. In a particularly difficult section of the climb, he missed a hold and found himself plummeting to what surely should have been his death. Near the bottom of his fall he threw his hands toward the ground in some irrational attempt to push the ground away. To his surprise the winds suddenly started to pick up with such force that they began to slow his fall. When he woke up, Bento had been stripped of his gear and imprisoned underground. After almost a year of torture, he was eventually sent to the mines to work long, hard hours. They slept in the mines, they ate in the mines, and they would most likely die in the mines. In fact, if it were not for the selflessness of a single man, Bento would never have been given the chance to see the sun again. After roughly 2 years of service, now 30 years old, Bento and his work group were caught in a terrible accident where he was pinned and left to die. Saved by an older man, by the name of Promos, the two became close friends. After learning of the older man’s son and family back home in Harlem, Bento swore to repay the old man for his kindness by returning him to his family. After 4 more years in the mines the two of them were selected to accompany a large trade caravan travelling through Motum Diversum and Aqueous territory. -Contents of First Post- After his escape from slavery, Bento began amassing a small fortune in the arms sales. As it turns out, building a small army of former slaves and hitting the Forsaken’s trade routes could be a pretty good gig for a while. Things got a little too hot once the Iron King started sending squadrons of Soulless after them, but a few months of bloody revenge could go a long way. After that whole ordeal, the Major rented out a small apartment up in Gate’s Pass where he worked part time as a bouncer at one of the various brothels in town. The pay was alright, and the ‘bonuses’ were marginally better, but the real benefit was the ability to make a few trips up to see his father in Aspin after learning he had defected there to study physics. After 2 months Bento decided, for a variety of reasons, that leaving Aqueous territory would be a smart choice. Unwilling to subject his father to the dangers of harboring an Immortal, the Windcaller decided returning to Russell City would be his best bet. Upon entering the city, he managed to broker an agreement with Colonel Thorne, the terms of which amounted to little more than that if Bento kept his head down the Diversum wouldn’t bother him. He has now been in town for a week and has been generally looking for work and wasting away his stash of bullets wherever the whiskey is good. [h3][center][color=gold]Gear[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Weapons:[/b] [list] [*][hider=Smith & Wesson 357 Revolver:][img]http://www.smithandwessonforums.com/forum/attachments/s-w-revolvers-1945-present/15682-sw-686-357-7-shot-differences-dscf0291-640x480-.jpg[/img][/hider] [*][hider=Bowie Knife:][img]http://crafting-a-life.com/craftlit/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/BowieKnife.jpg[/img][/hider] [*]Scoped M14 (wooden frame) [/list] [b]Armor:[/b] N/A [b]Ammunition:[/b] [list] [*][b]Dirty Rounds:[/b] 100 [*][b]High Grade Rounds:[/b] 40 (20 round clips x2) [*][b]Grenades:[/b] 7 [/list] [b]Black Leather Knapsack:[/b][list] [*]Medkit, Rope, Rations, Canteen, Sewing Kit, Flashllight, Ammo (72 dirty 357 magnum), Misc Ammo (50 High-Grade shotgun slugs + 142 dirty 9mm rounds) Matches, Grenades, Painkillers, and a bottle and a half of moonshine[/list] [b]Belt:[/b][list] [*]Gun/Holster, Bullet Pouch (18 dirty 357 magnum), Spare Clip, Knife[/list] [h3][center][color=navajowhite]Immortalis Information[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Manifested Phenomena:[/b] [color=6ecff6]Air/Wind[/color] [b]Unique Abilities:[/b][list] [*][b][color=6ecff6]Windcaller[/color][/b]: Creates powerful gusts of air that can knock back opponents and toss around various objects. Also allows for ‘Jetpacking’ and limited flight.[/list] [b]Strengths:[/b] [list] [*][b][color=00BFFF]Gunslinger[/color][/b]: Quick on the draw, and even faster on the trigger, Bento is an incredible shot. With a revolver as his weapon of choice, he considers anything but a kill as a miss, and he rarely misses. [*][b][color=00BFFF]Nerves of Steel[/color][/b]: It is in danger that Bento most excels, acting quickly and deliberately, often without even losing his characteristically expressionless face. The result is an almost terrifyingly fearsome fighter. [*][b][color=00BFFF]Clever[/color][/b]: His time as a scout have taught him how to survive and outsmart his opponents using the environment and tactics. [*][b][color=00BFFF]Conditioning[/color][/b]: Time as a scout and then as a slave have kept him in great physical condition relative to a normal man his age.[/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list] [*][b][color=FA8072]Claustrophobic[/color][/b]: Can’t use his powers in an enclosed space (as there is not enough air to push around). [*][b][color=FA8072]Glass Cannon[/color][/b]: In order to stay light Bento doesn’t wear any armor.[*][b][color=FA8072]Death Wish[/color][/b]:Those who know him well have gone so far as to say that Bento is a man utterly incapable of fear, approaching violence with such astounding disregard for his own life that one might believe he was trying to die. [*][b][color=FA8072]Death Wish (Redux)[/color][/b]: Bento abuses substances with such disregard for his own life that one might believe he was trying to die. One byproduct of this is a strong dependence on alcohol, to the extent that he can hardly fight without at least two drinks in him.[/list]