A lot of new folks with very simple names or no names at all are entering the arena. The cat, satisfied with its now immaculate anus, stroked its tongue along its shoulder for a while. A woman began to float, and with her feet dangling in the air like that it struck the cat to approach and bat at her toes. GROOMING: [color=hotpink]II[/color]I BEING THE CUTEST LITTLE RECENTLY RESPAWNED FELLA IN THE ARENA: [color=pink]IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII[/color] The above mentioned summoning does nothing except call forth a few kitty treats to bounce down from the sky, distracting the cat from the floating woman’s various tempting extremities to chase them around instead. KITTY CHUBBINESS: [color=limegreen]II[/color]IIIIIIII The kitty jolts up from its post-treat stupor just in time to realize the floating woman was a man! A boy? Some kind of human, maybe. It cannot be bothered to make a distinction well enough and goes back to laying on its side while the flying human person attacked the hell out of some other human.