[quote=@Jonnyh447] Made the necessary changes to my sheet. I also (rather generously might I add) made him an inch shorter due to the ever-increasing demand of non-giants. [quote=@urbanevolution]I've got a couple characters to read through still but do think it would be good for Tooth and Tobias to meet at some point. Although I was thinking of having Toby join the navy and that's his means of making a difference to the plot (or at least attempting to) which means he'll be heading towards the sea-faring life Tooth desires, at least to some degree, to put behind him.[/quote] [/quote] Because he's an orc, he's fine. We allow people to stretch and I normally will give plus or minus three inches before I start suspecting anything (unless they're a Saurian and in that case all bets are off). Your sheet looks really good. He's accepted and you are free to post it in the deposit. If Maxx (for some ungodly reason because I hold you scrubs to a standard higher than he expects) sees anything wrong, I got you covered. Tooth is going to be traveling woth the Ruuk brothers, so they no doubt will meet at one point. I look forward to setting up relations between them because your character is really cool.