[img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/1f/e1/da/1fe1da030ff261fb13c744c41fb0f8ca.jpg[/img] He's about five and a half feet tall with a thin, lanky build that's much more suited for a teenage boy than a full grown man, er mouse Kemonomimi. His hair in an odd mix of red, orange, and yellow, yes it is natural, and goes down to about his chin. His right eye is covered by his hair, but the other one you can see is emerald green. He is never seen without a white coat on, or without his favorite hat. He has brown mouse ears and a matching tail, and passes it off as cosplay to those not part of the magical world. Mainly because he's too lazy to hide them. Name: Quincy Clover Nickname: Quin, Sexy Nurse Age: 24 Gender: Male Powers: Quincy has legitimate healing powers. By using his own energy he can sew skin back together, repair tears in muscles, fix broken bones. All sorts of things. He can remove bad things from the body such as tumors, or viruses, or poisons, but can't cure diseases unless they're based on those kinds of things. And when I say tumor, yes he can cure cancer. Take that science. The more severe the injury or disease, the more energy it takes to heal. He cannot add things to the body like white or red blood cells, so if somebody has lost too much blood, there isn't much he can do. He can't correct natural imbalances in things like hormones or thyroid. And no, he can't cure Leon, else I'd name him Deus Ex. Due to his incredibly lazy nature and natural affinity with magic, Quincy also has the ability to put people to sleep. A single tap to the forehead and a person will be out for a certain period of time. The longer they're out, the more power it takes. He can't put people in comas with this or anything. The longest he had knock someone out for at a time is about twelve hours. He must touch the person to do so and it must be the forehead, because that's where the brain is. One last power he has, due to him being a mouse Kemonomimi, is his incredibly sense of hearing and smell. He can sniff out that weed you're hiding in your dorm from multiple rooms away. Meaning he's usually on dorm inspections. He can hear people coming to his office from way down the hallway, even in his sleep. That's what saves him from getting in trouble for sleeping on the job. Skills: Healing people, sleeping, setting a poor example for patients, making tea, knowledge of the human body and other race's bodies. Hobbies: Sleeping, drinking tea, doing absolutely nothing, not doing his job, tuning people out. Personality: Above all, Quincy is laid back and down right lazy. More often than not you'll find him napping during the day, only really waking up when he's needed. He's incredibly patient, mostly because he won't feel like getting up and doing anything else. He's bluntly honest and tells people straight up what's wrong with them or why, you won't find him sugar coating your diagnosis or trying to tell you in the nicest way possible you're fat. Though he seems to have an I don't care attitude, he actually does care. It, and the fact that he has the magic for it, is why he became a doctor in the first place. Despite his lazy nature, he's protective and slightly possessive, if something or someone attacked the school, he'd be one of the first people to fight back. Theme song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN36JM8l52g]The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars[/url] Clubs: The napping club. He's the president and only current member. Dreams: To nap on every famous landmark in the none magical world. Because he can.