Actually, I think that our little Bloody Sleeve girl has the most expensive dress :P [quote=@Aeonumbra] World runs on trade and barter, no currency system but bullets are widely accepted, high grade being worth more.[/quote] also, I find this a bit hard to believe. It's been over 300 years, and I think that at least some sort of currency should have risen up in at least the first 100 years, with the last 200 being the time it took for it to get widespread and something everybody used. Not talking the kind of paper money that we use IRL, but perhaps just coins made out of some metal, say, I dunno, tin? Brass? I'm okay with sticking to just bartering, but I do think that a currency system would've been at least attempted during those 300 years. P.S Evelina Quinn's character sheet is under revision. It (for some weird reason) doesn't happen often, but I suddenly had a pang of inferiority and I'm now re-writing just about everything. She'll stay the same character, but it should (hopefully) be of higher quality (I blame Darcs :P).