Hmm... Yeah. I doubt you. A teeny tiny bit :P But look on the bright side! It forces you to think a little ^^ Sorry if that sounds insulting, btw, not meant as such. But still, me asking this made you write that response. It made you write down why currency is not a thing. But even then, I just find it... strange, I guess you could say, that 300 years have passed with nothing but simple trade and bartering. It makes getting some things easier, t'is true, but it also makes other things more difficult. Not really possible to measure "wealth" if you can't measure it in a number. At the very least it's much more difficult to do so. Also: Trying to find a picture that looks like my character. Do you have [i]any[/i] idea how difficult that is? :/ <.< Stupid Internet not having what I'm looking for.