Alex woke suddenly and checked the clock. It was currently 5:00 AM. [i]Good.[/i] Alex thought. He got up, yawned and stretched, walking out of his room and doing the morning arrangements. That is, making breakfast and his sister’s lunch. Nothing was more important than sustenance, after all. Alex lit the stove and fastened his apron as his sister sleepily walked out of her room clutching her pillow. “Morning.” Alex said, beginning to cook. “Mmm…” She said sleepily, still only half-conscious. “You could have a bit more sleep, you know.” He said, frying up some bacon. “But if I do that, I won’t be able to get up…” She said, drifting over to the couch. She lay down and resumed dosing in a foetal position, pillow clutched to her chest. Alex smiled slightly and let her lay there. She was studying all night and could use the sleep. Alex prepared some breakfast as his sister dozed on the couch. ----------- “Why didn’t you wake me up!?” Alexis yelled. “Because you were asleep.” Alex said, chewing some rice. “There’s some rice around your mouth.” It was now around 7:20, and the two were having breakfast. Alexis had woken up late, in the end, and had to make hasty preparations to go to school. “Now I’m going to be late!” She said, furiously eating the breakfast. “It’s fine. The school’s close by anyway.” Alex said. “Slow down before you choke.” Alexis continued to eat in silent protest, glaring at Alex while he innocently consumed the meal. “Oh, look at the time.” Alex said. “You should probably go now.” At that, Alexis quickly shovelled the rest of her breakfast into her mouth and grabbed her bag, hastily opening the door. “Don’t forget your lunch.” Alex said, holding it up. Alexis ran back and grabbed it, quickly stuffing into her bag and left, quickly running out of the house. “See you later.” Alex said belatedly. Now, it was time to wash up and take a shower. About an hour later, Alex was looking up things to do in Alfheim online. All he could really find was crafting, crafting, crafting and fishing, along with trolling and/or griefing… Well, Alex wasn’t mean enough to get in other people’s ways. He respected them enough not to do that. And other than that, he didn’t have fishing or crafting skills. [i]Maybe I should make an alt.[/i] Alex thought. Then he saw something that perked his interest. Apparently, there were sword skills (which he’d noticed but not used that much) and then there were original skills, which were skills you made yourself. They apparently had pretty strict requirements, but it sounded interesting. And Alex already had something pretty amazing in mind. With that, Alex got onto his bed and put the amusphere on, getting ready for the full dive. As it loaded, Alex set out a series of tasks he should complete, and if things went well, he’d have something really impressive. The amusphere loaded and he initiated full dive. -------------------------- His body was soon coated in the leather coat he’d gotten a while ago, and the familiar weight of his great sword rested on his back. The familiar warmth of Steven became present on his head. He opened his eyes and he was back in his player home, a small and cheap one he bought only for the storage. He stretched his limbs experimentally, getting used to the body again. Alex then walked out of the house, locking the door behind him. As he did, he noticed that he had some notifications and opened them. 3 friend requests and a message. He checked the dates and the friend requests came from just as he ran out of the dungeon at full speed. They were from the rest of his party, except for Kite. Shrugging, he accepted them. [i]Shishirou, Fuyuko, Athena…[/i] He said, ticking them off in his head. That done, he checked the message. It was one from Arina, their archer. [quote= Arina] Hey, what's up? Want to meet up again? [/quote] Alex considered the question, and his reply. It was true that he had stuff to do, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t put off for a while. Besides that, he didn’t really have anything other than start training for his original skill. So what should he right? Alex considered it for a moment and typed in a quick reply. [quote= T1m] Up to you. I’ll be practising front flips all day so holler if you need me. [/quote] Alex’s hand hovered over the send button, a little hesitantly. It seemed a little informal, but Alex supposed that it would be better than seeming uptight. He shrugged and hit send, and his mind switched to other matters. Alex activated his wings and went somewhere secluded. ---------------- Landing on a clearing, he surveyed his surroundings. There were no monster spawns, and it was on a cliff. It was fairly wide, so he should have enough room. Additionally, it wasn’t far from Cait sith territory so he could go home if he really needed to. [i]Perfect.[/i] Alex thought, stretching his hands. Steven jumped off his head and landed nearby to watch. Alex wasn’t lying about the front flips. To do something cool, this needed to be done first. His acrobatics was pretty good, but practise was essential to make it work. Alex jumped on the spot a few times and stopped, preparing for the first front flip. With a spring of his feet, he smoothly performed a forward flip landing on his feet. [i]Alright, so far so good.[/i] Alex thought. [i]Now to do that around 3 times in a row.[/i] Jumping on the spot again, he flipped forward once more, bending his knees as he landed and sprung into another one, landing a little less gracefully than the previous one, and did it once more. On this one, he almost fell, finding it hard to keep his orientation after 3 flips. [i]Well, this is alright.[/i] Alex thought. But this was just the beginning. If he did it right, it would be quite the impressive move, and it would likely scare the pants off just about anyone on the receiving end. Alex grinned evilly at the thought. This move would certainly be something to behold if he did it right.