[b]Tizca[/b] Tizca, the shrine world of the God Magus. A bastion of the sciences and home to some of the greatest minds that the Nur'xal had to offer. However, behind the technology and the beautiful towers of industry there was a darkness and blood lust that rivaled that of Angron himself; Political power plays to ascend the ladder of rank occurred often and those cast off the rungs rarely survived the fall. Yet it was in the personal laboratories of Grand Arch-Sorcerer Lucius himself that Sif found herself standing in with a handful of her most loyal warriors to act as bodyguards to ensure that the little bastard didn't try anything funny. Despite her best efforts to get the tests over and done with, Sif had to put up with the fact that the worshipers of the other gods needed to come up with tests worthy of the position that she sort to claim. After waiting for almost a week, Lucius had declared that Magus had granted him a vision of the test worthy of his patronage. And so Sif stood in the sleazy little worm's laboratory, standing in front of a manufactured chamber that looked... old. Like something that had been dug out of one of Tizca's trash piles and then had more junk wielded to it for good measure. Lucius himself stood in front of the machine, his minions running around to perform their tasks. Turning towards Lucius, Sif simply asked "What is your game, Sorcerer?" The slur against his title caused a flash of anger to cross Lucius's face for a moment but it was quickly replaced with a shit eating grin so fake that it was clear he wasn't even trying to hide his pleasure of what he foresaw as the upcoming death of an enemy. "Quite simple really. This-" the relic junk chamber was pointed to. "Is one of the prototypes of the biotic infusers that was constructed shortly after Tizca was settled. It had a low success rate and more often then not those that went into it either died quickly and painfully from being ripped apart at the macrobiotic level or died slowly and painfully from a wave of tumors and other mutations without ever feeling a single scrap of biotic energy, but those that made it were blessed with powerful biotic magics to wield." "We have enhanced this unit to increase the possibilities. In theory this machine would bestow the biotic magics of a demi-god on those who enter, but with the increased reward comes an increase in risk; Only one that Magus has personally taken an interest and investment in would have any chance of surviving the process. All others will die. All you have to do to become the Warmaster of Magus is step into the chamber. If the Master of Change has truly decided that you will carry out his will as his Avatar then you will receive his blessing; If not, you die painfully. Simple as that." The shit eating grin on Lucius's face widened a little as a sadistic glint appeared in his three eyes. Sif looked at the machine before her with uncertainty. Not fear per-say but wary cation. Could the little leech be trusted? Of course he couldn't be. The little bastard had managed to raise to power on Tizca after all. But at the end of the day, this was the only way to get the followers of Magus on board with the rest of her forces and as loathsome as they were, the biotic sorcerers had their uses. Taking some comfit in the fact that one of her instructions to her honor guard before arriving on planet was that in the event of her death they were to skin Lucius alive in her memory, Sif took a deep breath and stepped forwards, crossing the threshold of destiny and placing her fate in that hands of Magus. The metal door of the chamber slammed shut behind her as buttons were pushed and the machine was brought to life. This was going to be painful one way or the other... ......................................................................... [b]Unknown Space, [i]Angron's Glare[/i][/b] The scout ship [i]Angron's Glare[/i] had come to a stop some distance away from a planet, its pilot Razorwind staring at a planet some distance away. The ship's systems had scanned the planet and had uncovered what appeared to be some kind of war that was happening on the planet itself. His equipment wasn't good enough to pick up what the tides of battle were or even what was actually fighting the battles at the range he was seated at, but there was no mistaking the signs of conflict and hopefully he was far enough away that they wouldn't see him. Razorwind felt his blood boil with a desire to land on the planet and take the chance to test out his axe against these unknown xeno's, but he knew that he had a much grander purpose to perform first. His desire for combat would be indulged soon enough. Once the location of the planet was safely recorded, Razorwind turned [i]Angron's Glare[/i] from the battle field to come and started the journey back home. The Warmaster would be pleased by this discovery. .................................... Summary: Warmaster of Angron Sif has started the trail required to win over the followers of Magus faction of her people and bring them under her banner. The Angron scouting vessel [i]Angron's Glare[/i] has discovered the Seraphians homeworld and is currently on its way back home to report the discovery. The warbands of planet Angron have started to merge and organize into several different but larger warbands while transport ships and supplies are organized for their future operations.