Okay cool I fucking love 'How to train your' dragons and film, almost as good as that armoured owl film they made that one time... Also, sorry if I'm missing something obvious but where's this bestiary that keeps getting mentioned? Can't Nemean Lions be like their mortal counterparts and start to grow weak if too many magic is used? If not, are there big, tameable grizzly bears? My char idea is a female elf born into nobility, she has her father's old war-lion/bear, who for the most part seems happy to follow her. She'd be as princess-like as they come with NO combat prowess and the diplomacy skill you'd expect from a young elven princess (think Sansa stark while she's in king landing; sorry for all the GoT references but I mean barely diplomatic enough to stay alive if she was thrown in with the big fish). As she'd mainly be at political events there wouldn't be much opportunity for her pet to actually fight as it's more a defensive measure from her over-bearing and protective father to keep her safe...