Accepted Real Name: Waylon Jones Code name: Killer Croc Prison Inmate #: 97 Appearance: [img][/img] Due to a rare genetic disease croc has grown to far beyond the normal size and exhibits reptillian features like claws,scales and slitted pupils. History: As a child Waylon was mocked by his peers and equals. After a local bully called him croc, he reacted in anger and broke the childs neck. after that incident he served 3 years in a penitentiary. After a breakout Waylon was forced on the run and was picked up by a circus who asked him to perform an act in return for not handing him over to the police. Soon he had made quite a name for himself as the killer croc. But soon he was forced back on the run after , in a heated argument with a acrobat, he went into a rage and slaughtered everyone in the circus. When he got over the rage he was filled with remorse and decided he had no choice but to leave a travelling life and live in Gotham city. after a couple of years living a simple life he was forced by the falcon family to serve as muscle for some of their heists. His work was soon noticed by Carmine Falcone who offered him a job as his personal bodyguard. Afterwards he came face to face with the batman who had come to interrogate Falcone for drug trafficking. After a brief battle he was incapacitated and brought to Belle Reve for rehabilitation. While there he nurtured a hatred for the Batman that has lasted to this day. Powers/Abilities: Claws: Killer Croc's fingers are sharpened and white like bones. He uses them to cut open doors or crush skulls. Fangs: Killer Croc's teeth are large yet still human. He can bite down through bone, metal and wood. Superhuman Durability: Bullets fling off Killer Croc's skin and an alligator breaks it's fangs on his scales. Superhuman Speed: Killer Croc has an incredible amount of speed for such a large creature. He moves so fast in the sewers that he can come up on prey unnoticed. Superhuman Strength: Killer Croc's primary strength is his own strength. He has slammed his way through an armed group of Gotham's SWAT and carved his way through its underbelly to create a home within the sewers. Leadership: Killer Croc knows what it's like to be downtrodden and hurt. He used this knowledge and his home in the sewers to house and control homeless youth and the like. He now runs his own personal kingdom. Bilingualism: Killer Croc enjoys French literature, and appears to be fluent in the language. Wrestling: Killer Croc's fighting style is wrestling. He learned to wrestle in his early adulthood while trying to survive in a circus.