[quote=@Leonerdo] I persuaded Maxx with my [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v629/Reaperman/images.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.charbase.com/images/glyph/110[/img] [img]http://o.quizlet.com/8PqfDGSljkQnogsstQXrIg_m.jpg[/img] Basically, Maxx didn't want people raising giant armies of the undead, which wasn't my intention. I'll be raising single zombies and skeletons, but that's all. It was on the terms that he'd have to be pretty powerful, and since the gnome is 160 years old, he'll have a bit of experience doing that kind of crazy shit. The motivation is less "control the undead" or "be super powerful", and more of wanting to learn about the undead. [/quote] Honestly if you made a character like the /tg/ caretaker that'd be sweet.