I noticed there is one too many scrubs here. I'm here to fix that. Make things fair again. [hider=Morag-Nog] [b]Name:[/b]  [i]Morag-Nog[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 72 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Orc [b]Kingdom of Origin:[/b] Nepharie [b]Physical appearance:[/b] A statuesque Orcess. Much like other orcs, Morag-Nog is taller than humans. Standing at a solid 6'4, and weighing 250, her very thick bones add a curvature to her body. Broad shoulders, thick limbs. All accentuated by her thick muscles that are common to all orcs. She's an imposing force, the kind of Orcess you don't want to meet in a dark alley. Or else you might get your balls strung up on a rope. However, plenty of that intimidating factor disappears once she starts talking. That, or they see her choice of clothing. If there was any left, it would be gone by the time someone eyeballs her bad leg and her cane she uses to support herself. Years ago, Morag-Nog had suffered an injury to her leg that had ruined it. While it healed, the damage was so severe that it left some permanent damage. She always walks with a limp, and puts a disproportionate amount of weight on the other leg. If she [i]does[/i] put too much weight on her bad leg, then it's almost always followed by groans of pain and agony. Now, Morag-Nog has typical orc characteristics. Thick, grey, skin. That has been scarred many a times. The most notable scar is the one that is on the knee of her bad leg, and goes down to her ankle. Slashed open by a longsword. There are plenty of other blade scars that aren't as severe, all over her, but I don't feel like describing them all! Her head is diamond shaped, with a very thick and strong jaw. That jaw accents her underbite, two large, razorsharp teeth. With thick, red lips that are of a lighter hue, and a small, triangle-shape and hooked nose. Her eyes are large, and olive color, usually having an annoyed glare to them directed at the world. Her ears are large, round, and very pointed at the tips. Finally, Morag-Nog's hair is a deep-black color, not exactly too maintained. But she keeps it in five thick cornrows that start at her hairline, and go to the back of her head. [b]Attire:[/b] Morag-Nog dresses [i]classily[/i]. Almost out-of-character for what people expect Orcs to dress. Morag-Nog wears dresses, and puts on jewelry. The kind of outfits that look more on place with royalty. That's when she's out on the town. When she's at home, or inventing, she goes for the more practical outfits. Or practical for this time era. I don't know shit. Morag-Nog is always seen with a thin black cane. [b]Personality:[/b] Classy, well spoken, and more. Morag-Nog is certainly not the typical hard-headed Orc, she talks and carries herself with class compared to nobility (Despite not being one). She never speaks unless she has something to say, and, when she does, people tend to listen. One thing she does despise are people who run their mouths constantly. She'll either break her silence to shut them up with a few choice words, or more. Otherwise, she's silent. Quietly waiting and absorbing all the information these fools have to give. It's more about her apathy and cynical attitude rather than arrogance. She has seen the world before, and lost what had really mattered to her. People can call her bitter, and ruthless at worse. Morag-Nog doesn't care too much for her morals anymore. Since she's a crippled woman, and feels as if she owes the world nothing. Only thing keeping her on track would be her goal of taking technology from the Red Legion. Which, in her eyes, is more important than most of the shitstains she encounters (Especially nations and the politics of the world). However, she rarely uses violence or her brutality as the first option. Instead she goes for the cleaner route of talking her way through problems rather than killing. Morag-Nog is not a monster. She values her allies, and long as they don't act as detriments to her, she will treat them right. A give and take thing. [b]Hobbies/interests:[/b] Hard-fapping [b]Skills:[/b] Morag-Nog has a mechanical mastery that is unmatched in the Kingdom (Perhaps, on par with the Red Legion if she gets an opportunity to compare. Wink, wink). If someone presents a device to her, she will take it apart and have it put back together in record time. She'll also be able to tell people what it's made of, and what it does. For Morag-Nog's knowledge spans far and wide. It needs to in order for her to invent stuffz. She can put together trinkets if she has the materials. [b]Backstory:[/b] How did Morag-Nog, inventor extraordinaire, come to be? Well, get on my knee and I'll tell you.... Her father was an Orc Bandit, Dubok-Nog, leader of a group that was infamous for pillaging and raping alongside the Haderlock borders. Stealing all gold they could get their grubby little mits on - for no particular reason other than the fact that they could. He had mustered a large group of bandits that was comprised of Orcs and Humans, working in harmony as they committed filthy acts at a reasonable price. They were only truly active for a year. After awhile, people got pretty pissed off about their stolen gold. So bounty hunters, adventurers, and soldiers, came gunning for them. To the point they could operate without someone attacking them, or some ambush being sprung on them. Most of the wise chose to quit while they were ahead and leave the bandit group. While Dubok let greed take over him and try one last raid. Which was the last thing he [i]ever[/i] did. However, before their fall, Morag-Nog was born in secrecy, with her mother being, Avalog, one of the former bandits that jumped ship once things looked bad. But, Avalog was alone, with an Orc daughter. She didn't want anything to do with the child now that Dubok was dead. So she caught up with one of her former "co-workers", Cole and Ingrid (Lovers that were planning to get married), who were close friends to Dubok (Also attempted to talk him out of his last score), and convinced them to take Morag-Nog. Before disappearing and probably fell off a cliff or something. The couple took Morag-Nog to Nepharie, where they lived out in the wilderness. Forming a little warm. Huntin' the booty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Now, growing up in a location that was primarily owned by humans was not exactly easy. There wasn't exactly too much of a community for Morag-Nog to integrate into. Being one odd Orc in a primarily human community. Morag-Nog was mostly kept at home, at the farm. Where she was taught everything she needed to know. How to fight. How to maintain weapons. How the world works. And more. Of course, that kept her satisfied until she got older and older. Realizing that her place was not in this farming community, Morag-Nog bid farewell to that life and kept moving. She was given a horse and enough money to get started. The only problem was that she didn't know where to start. She figured that she had no choice but to put that fighting training she received to good use. She became a mercenary, a sword for hire. Her first job was to take out some thugs that were harassing a small town. Fortunately for her, they weren't trained, nor armed. So they were taken care of relatively easily. She kept doing jobs like this - which got progressively harder and harder. Morag-Nog got better and better, until she was capable of taking them. Morag-Nog made a name for herself being a brutal, but effective, mercenary that would do jobs for anyone. Eventually, she joined a group of Mercenaries comprised of multiple races. Humans, Orcs, Minotaurs, and more, all working together to take on big jobs. Like stop bandits, and beat up kids for their lunch money. And it was the life that Morag-Nog loved. A place where she felt at home, instead of being a farm hand, she was a mercenary. Everything changed once she took a mission to take out a bandit group that were hold out in a cave. However, the group had an ambush set up to deter anyone else planning on capturing them. Morag-Nog's group were the first to show up. An epic battle took place between both groups. There was blood, body parts, and hats flying all over the place. It turned out that Morag-Nog's team were the superior fighters and had the bandits on the ropes. That's what made her get a little cocky. During her climatic fight, someone snuck up on her and nearly took her leg off with a full force sword swing. It damaged her leg badly and made her keel over. By the time the fight was over, she was rushed to the doctor. Potions and other things helped her heal faster. In a few months, her leg was healed! Mostly. She could never walk right again. That was the end of Morag-Nog's mercenary adventures at the age of twenty-five. She took her money, and her mercenary team left her to continue their adventures. Leaving Morag-Nog's life rather empty. Confined to a town in the Kingdom of Talbor, Morag-Nog was probably going to throw herself off a bridge or something. However, she was approached by one of the people whom she did a job for in that town. A human inventor named Sarah that wanted an apprentice. Since Morag-Nog had suffered a career ending injury, she wanted the Orcess to be that person. Which was an odd request for a warrior, but she was desperate to find purpose, so she just went for it. Morag-Nog was taught everything Sarah knew about inventing, and worked on many projects with the woman. Some of them going hilariously wrong. Well, many of them weren't wrong. Morag-Nog had taken a talent to inventing, something that she felt that she did better than fighting. It was years before she managed to separate herself from Sarah and stand out on her own. Decades past, and Morag-Nog continued and became a master. A few months before current events, and Morag-Nog's was seventy-two, and Sarah had passed away. Leaving behind all of her knowledge of machinery to Morag. Who wanted to change the world with her inventions. When the Fire Nati- I mean Red Legion, attacked, initially Morag-Nog was apathetic to it. Long as they don't disrupt her work, she didn't care about who was a king or a queen. That changed once she learned what technological feats they were capable of. She figured that she should get back into adventuring in order to get some of their technology and study it. In order to reverse engineer it and somehow come up with a counter to it. And maybe find someone who will fix her leg. [b]Relationships:[/b] N/A [b]Weaponry:[/b] Morag-Nog still has her double-ended battleax from her youth. She keeps it nice and polished, even though it hasn't tasted blood for years. For protection, she carries around two daggers with her at all times. [b]Abilities:[/b] Morag-Nog is strong as hell and equally tough. Much like other orcs. Combat used to be something Morag-Nog excelled at. Fighting whoever paid the best. Bandits, monsters, your grandmother. However, those days have long past. She hasn't exactly seen a real fight in years. Other than fighting a mugger or someone who runs their mouth too much. Morag-Nog has been taught how to use longswords, but she has learned how to use battleaxes - which became her main weapon. She used to be able to cut someone's head off with one well placed swing. It's harder to do with her disability, but she has been practicing how to fight on one bad leg. But she prefers subtly and stealth these days. As much stealth as a giant-ass Orcess can muster! [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Morag-Nog shares the same weaknesses as other orcs. Slow, bad senses, and smells bad. Morag-Nog has that aforementioned bad leg. It limits her mobility greatly, and if she stands on it the wrong way, it's gonna hurt. Someone can also take advantage of this weakness. Anyone can really. Which is why she isn't exactly too keen on fighting anymore. Even then, Morag-Nog has not seen a real fight in years, and she's pretty rusty compared to the more youthful and experienced cast members. [b]Companion:[/b] N/A [b]Other:[/b] FUCK YO Polaris![/hider]