Kido stepped back a bit, seeming slightly surprised at the sudden action. The effort was immediately rewarded with a click, however, and a whirring sound could be heard as the orb in the center lowered, allowing a better look at the doll that now sat within arm's reach. The blue color turned out to be just the hair color, as the rest of the doll was clad in orange and red colors. The face featured a pair of bright amber buttons and a mouth sewn into a tiny pout, as if it were greatly unamused by everything around it at the moment. Behind the doll sat a candle with a small matchbox next to it. Seeming even more surprised, Kido moved closer to get a good look and smiled. "Hey, it's kind of a cute doll, actually. Oh, there's a note on the box..." [i]If you use this room, blow out the candle before you leave. I don't want to have to replace it all the time. -From Anton[/i] Shrugging, he looked back at the girl beside him. "I wonder what this room was used for. Maybe it was for dance practice or something?"