Faze, I'm going to have to ask you to tone down the Latin: at least bastardize it. Right now you have "Doge Merchant", "Queen Girl", "General Battle" and "Head Merchant Death Life" [mortem is the accusative, when there is no verb to be the object of. What's up with that?]. Also, some consistency in the military would be good but not necessary. Why is the navy "The Ocean of Kings", and the Army "The Kings of the Earth"? Also, you cannot melt down diamonds, then they would not be diamonds but just some random carbon. Platinum is a fucking terrible metal for warfare, seeing as it is expensive as shit and malleable AF, so why would you tip bayonets with it. Flintlocks are 250 years out of date at least, depending on where you look, and it is implied that you think we are using ships of the line, seeing as you say your ships "carry many cannon". Ironclads are the thing to have now, with the modern warship being developed slowly but surely.