Thunderhawk gunship [i]Lion's Wrath[/i] They left the Inquisitor fuming mad, she had half a mind to declare them all traitors and shot. That would do her no favors she sighed and relaxed, she would have what she wanted soon. Abner turned to look at his compatriots as the pilot took them down to the front. "Thank you for joining me Guardsmen, I do not approve of the Inquisition's presence her's especially, she has a vendetta against another Inquisitor, she's a radical and borderline Heretical for her use of Xeno tech. Now as to the front, show me where your men need support the most. I have gunships and transport for your wounded if you need them, five squads of my and my personal squad are yours, tell where we are needed most." He spoke respectfully, in truth he found the guard a refreshing change, they valued the Space Marines, the Inquisition and there forces saw the Space Marines as tools and personal armies to order as they pleased, he would take no orders from those not his equal. The Gunship moved quickly, it took them down into the atmosphere and landed them in the begins of a base, all five squads were present having returned from there drop points with no causalities. He looked over at the commanders with him. "I believe we should get to work, we have Titans to reclaim for the Emperor." Alliance Dreadnought 3rd expeditionary fleet [i]Mt. Tai[/i] Powree leaned forward watching pods fall from the ships, perhaps carrying troop? As more and more images and data were collected on these strange ships it scared her more and more. Some were bigger than the [i]Mt.Tai[/i] and that worried her, if they turned out to be hostile well... She refused to imagine the devastation. She received a transmission from the Captain however and set her men to work, the images that they would recover would tell us the true strength of these new warriors. She only hoped it would not be as Dark and depressing as there ships appeared to be. "Alright Captain proceed with the mission. Do not cause an incident there fleets fire power could greatly out class our own." She stated calm as she stood folding her hands behind her back, the wait began. Unknown Forge World Cypher nodded as the Guardsmen left, he felt sure they would be already right now he need to go. The Dark Angels had come for him and he needed to finish his business here, business with Involving a fleet in distant orbit. He set off in search of there recon team, he had a feeling they would send one. They reminded him of the Tau and Eldar in the sleekness he had seen of there ships. He smiled pulling his ragged hood up as strolled off into Chaos controlled territory, those he met giving him a wide berth, no one ever truly knew what side Cypher was on. It made him a danger to all who crossed his path, yet only Chaos Marines and Dark Angels knew this.