[quote=@Daglobster] "What? I donts know," Nork said, scratching has meaty bald head. "I's lost, just like An-Gee. I thinks everyone here is lost, but I's not worried! Because An-Gee looks smart, and I'm sure she'll figure it out!" [/quote] [h1]Satan[/h1] Satans eyes must've been playing tricks on him because the tiny little goblin soon became a gigantic person, Satan would feel intimidated but he was around gigantic people all of the time, Apparently everyone was also lost. [b]well uh, what did you do before you gotten here?[/b] Satan interrogated the gigantic person [h3]Emilia[/h3] The gentleman had stopped responding to emilia, so she gotten frustrated and sheathed her dagger in her belt, the dagger immediately glowed into a light whitish color and disappeared with a blink, magical. Emilia felt like a part of her was lost, like she couldn't use that sword again, but hopefully she wouldn't need it [i]Who am I kidding I will need it here![/i] Emilia thought bitterly, She looked behind her and noticed weird futuristic glass panel with her name, Emilia right on it, Emilia picked it up and pressed a tiny button and a note appeared, it Said some dumb crap about a whole "murder game" and crap, She pretty much ignored it. she could handle whatever crap would appear here